How well do you understand yourself?

I wanted to learn more about myself because as much as I hate the thought of it, I just cannot get past my belief that a lot of my social issues exist because of the person I am, and not because of the persons other people are. I think that the people we are, are projected onto the outside world, and are then reflected back at us. So maybe a lot of what I don't like about other people is because it is my own reflection....

I once took a personality test at university and was surprised to learn that I scored a flat zero for creativity, which had to do with my zero-tolerance for disarray/chaos. i.e. everything in my life has to be perfectly in order. Then the other day I decided to take renowned clinical psychologist Jordan Petersen's personality test and was surprised to learn that I'm also highly neurotic. But also extremely caring... I wonder how common it is for people to be at the extremes of both of these at the same time.

Maybe some other people here on SF might also be curious to learn more about their personalities too so that we can learn to OWN ourselves.
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I wonder how common it is for people to be at the extremes of both of these at the same time
Maybe caring people tend to be sensitive, and being sensitive makes you more vulnerable to neurosis?
Lots of people here are depressed (which I think counts as a neurosis) and also very caring and sensitive.
I love getting to know myself better. It helps me love myself more and know that I am not weird, that there are other people like me. It also explains a lot of my thoughts, actions, feelings so I don't have to feel bad about those either. I love the test -- it described me very, very accurately. I am going to check out the Jordan Petersen's test!

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