I don't know what this is

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I know I am depressed and I know that I have other problems but recently I've been having weird episodes of confusion. It reminds me a lot of if you wake up suddenly from a deep sleep and your mind isn't awake yet. I get random episodes like that over the last few months. Its kind of like my brain goes fuzzy for a bit and I loose my train of thought and I feel very confused like I just woke up or like I just switched and I am not the same person I was a few minutes ago.

A part of me is concerned about it but the other much stronger part of me wants to drink and forget it. I mean the worst that can happen is I die right?

Does anyone know what this might be?


Back into the wild where I belong. Out of your way
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Brain fog? I get it now and then but its a concerning symptom if its happening more often to talk to the psych doc about to make sure nothing more serious is happening. I always have called it a brain fog but someone else could have a better definition/word for it


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Do you drink a lot? If so, that could be causing it. Other than that it could be a side effect from a medication maybe? It sounds a bit like vertigo but I'm not a doctor so please get it checked out to be safe and sound.


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Could be several things. You really should have that checked out though. Are you phobic of the Drs? Could be a psych issue or a medical issue either one but both are cause for concern, not alcohol ;)
Not on meds. I do drink. I went to the dr's and they kinda brushed it off b/c I went in also with a complaint of depression. He said that he didn't know what that was but here are some anti-depressants. I'll try to go to a different doc or something. just wanted to know if anyone on here had any ideas.


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Yeah, that's not really that promising. You should get another opinion on that, I think.


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Good to see you're still hanging around here.
So what did the Dr tell you when you went?
If you want to keep drinking, you have to eat well. I believe it's caused by your brain starving.
Good to see you're still hanging around here.
So what did the Dr tell you when you went?
On that note I went to another doctor. I went to a regular doctor that said it could be a number of things and could definitly be a number of things happening at once. Dehydration was a big thing it could be. Lack of sleep and on occasion having really high blood pressure spikes could also do it. Being dehydrated without a whole lot of sleep and being under stress while not being heart healthy could cause it.


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When you say "you just switched" does that mean you have DID or another dissociative disorder? I have dissociative problems, and when I felt something similar to what you're experiencing they called it depersonalization. It's a dissociative problem where you feel like your life is somehow happening to someone else. I found that going to sleep for a while fixed it. They also upped my Abilify levels, and that seemed to end it.
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