There were a ton of Christian articles attempting to 'answer' this question. Every article I read just pissed me off even more, because they justify suffering in increasingly delusional ways. The impression I got from these people was of a broken Domestic Abuse victim trying to convince everyone that the abuse is proof of how much the abuser loves them.
Here are a few of the justifications I found in these articles:
1. God doesn't cause suffering, we do. Now don't get me wrong, I agree with this statement in a lot of cases. It's hard to deny that a big part of our suffering is caused by human action, but this article took it a step further. According to the author, even things such as famine, birth defects, SIDS, etc...well these things exist because a long time ago, a woman decided to eat some fruit.
2. The suffering itself is simply God trying to give you 'discipline', like any good Father would do. This specific article goes on to describe what happened to the Corinthians, who became sick and weak and died because they just wouldn't stop sinning. The will of the flesh must be killed by the spirit in order to be saved, and humanity must suffer greatly so that we will find shelter with God. It was pretty vague about what the "will of the flesh" is, I'm assuming it meant anything that makes you feel a little bit better when you are suffering.
I'd like to think they include other biological needs such as food and water, because that might at least explain why so many babies are allowed to starve to death in undeveloped areas. Apparently, babies who starve to death are most loved by God, because they weren't even given the option to sin with the "will of the flesh", and their suffering was immense and literally lasted their entire lives
3. The suffering is meant to make you empty, so that God may fill you back up with his love or whatever.
The example they gave was Naomi from the Book of Ruth (I assume they left out Job because seeing God make such a petty bet with Satan would make him look bad)
Quick recap of what happened to Naomi: She and her family travelled to a foreign land to escape severe famine. Upon arrival, God decided to murder all the male family members, leaving the females completely powerless and unable to provide for themselves in the misogynistic world of vague Bible times. Her suffering lasted several years, until her "redemption" in the form of her daughter in law getting pregnant. A redemption, by the way, that wouldn't be needed if God wasn't such a sadist.
...yeah, that's mostly what I got from these articles. God doesn't hate you, he's just a Sadist and that's how a sadist shows their love. By torturing you until you finally believe that the torture is the greatest kind of love you will ever have. The torture is the only kind of love you deserve, and you are expected to take it all and thank your torturer for the privilege of being made to suffer.
Here are a few of the justifications I found in these articles:
1. God doesn't cause suffering, we do. Now don't get me wrong, I agree with this statement in a lot of cases. It's hard to deny that a big part of our suffering is caused by human action, but this article took it a step further. According to the author, even things such as famine, birth defects, SIDS, etc...well these things exist because a long time ago, a woman decided to eat some fruit.
2. The suffering itself is simply God trying to give you 'discipline', like any good Father would do. This specific article goes on to describe what happened to the Corinthians, who became sick and weak and died because they just wouldn't stop sinning. The will of the flesh must be killed by the spirit in order to be saved, and humanity must suffer greatly so that we will find shelter with God. It was pretty vague about what the "will of the flesh" is, I'm assuming it meant anything that makes you feel a little bit better when you are suffering.
I'd like to think they include other biological needs such as food and water, because that might at least explain why so many babies are allowed to starve to death in undeveloped areas. Apparently, babies who starve to death are most loved by God, because they weren't even given the option to sin with the "will of the flesh", and their suffering was immense and literally lasted their entire lives
3. The suffering is meant to make you empty, so that God may fill you back up with his love or whatever.
The example they gave was Naomi from the Book of Ruth (I assume they left out Job because seeing God make such a petty bet with Satan would make him look bad)
Quick recap of what happened to Naomi: She and her family travelled to a foreign land to escape severe famine. Upon arrival, God decided to murder all the male family members, leaving the females completely powerless and unable to provide for themselves in the misogynistic world of vague Bible times. Her suffering lasted several years, until her "redemption" in the form of her daughter in law getting pregnant. A redemption, by the way, that wouldn't be needed if God wasn't such a sadist.
...yeah, that's mostly what I got from these articles. God doesn't hate you, he's just a Sadist and that's how a sadist shows their love. By torturing you until you finally believe that the torture is the greatest kind of love you will ever have. The torture is the only kind of love you deserve, and you are expected to take it all and thank your torturer for the privilege of being made to suffer.