I hate fake people!!

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Active Member
thats because fake people are broken inside somewhere too. maybe they arent as honest to others about it, but they are. Healthy people don't do that.
Remember this is fake people. Dont even bother to say good bye to them. Go high. That;s where the better people are anyways.
That sucks tho, sorry you had these experiences.


Well-Known Member
Hi Miles,
Oft don't get me started on fake people! I think I've had the worst experiences i.e. a fellow psychology student judging me so heavily when I decided to trust him with a break-up story and thinking I had made my own life shit when I experienced abuse and a guy spreading horrible rumours about having sex with me yada yada. It's funny because we could never be anywhere near as horrible as they can be to us and yet we suffer. :(

@sanddoom is right! They are just insecure. They don't want anyone to discover how shit they are so they throw others under the bus and live in denial. Trust me these people will end up alone one day and will wish they still had us on their side!


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Sorry this is affecting you, you deserve better. Screw them and find real friends that do care and won't back stab you. You can get better associates, people come in all shapes and sizes, abilities and disabilities, choose the ones that treat you right mentally.


Well-Known Member
This has affected me for a very long time. For as long as I can remember, I always got judged for me simply being myself. I would always be honest and people who call others "weird" are afraid to simply be themselves and tend to follow the crowd. Keep being yourself and only allow positive people in your life. Don't allow fake people to take control over your life. There's still a lot of wonderful people out there. I hope things get better for you in the future. *safe hugs*
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