I hate taking Seroquel


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My psychiatrist says I have to take it even though it was prescribed to me when I put myself in the hospital some time ago. They misdiagnosed me as being bipolar when in reality I have borderline personality disorder and a minor bit of histrionic. Makes sense given my history of being manipulative and attention seeking. Yeah I don't do those things anymore thanks to therapy and other meds like Lamictal, but this feels like pill pushing. I mean yeah Seroquel makes me sleep but now I'm dependent on it. It's very late where I live and I feel wide awake. I can't sleep without them now. The pills make me oversleep and I feel like crap in the mornings to the point where I am too tired to get out of bed. Even if it's not habit forming, what's the point of unnatural sleep if it makes me oversleep and still feel fatigued?


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Sounds like you're getting a ''hangover'' the morning after taking the seroquel. Groggy, tired etc.. Speak to your doctor and see if you can get it changed to something else. I'm happy to hear that therapy and lamictal has helped you. I hope you get your current issues resolved. *hug best wishes x


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Hi there. Just curious what dose of Seroquel are you taking for sleep?

I take only 50 mg and don't have a hangover, higher than that I do.

I wish you peace on your journey.
Wow...there is no WAY my psychiatrist would keep the meds the same if I was having that miserable of a time. My psych also says he hates Seroquil and that he knows very few people who have done well on it. I hope that gets lowered or eliminated for you.


☆☆Admin-tastic ☆☆
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The pills make me oversleep and I feel like crap in the mornings to the point where I am too tired to get out of bed.
I also had a similar experience with it. I also felt like my brain was mush for at least the first 6 hours I was awake. It was severely affecting my work. At the end they had me on 600 mg a day. I also had some other side affects from it. I don't take it anymore. It did what it was meant to do, but the reactions weren't worth it in the end. Talk to your doctor about lowering your dosage, and hopefully you can get it worked out.


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The lower the dose, the groggier you feel. On mid dose ranges the grogginess disappears until you get up to 600mg and over.

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