So I work a part-time job at a grocery store. I met a boy the same age as me (I think a few months older) and we became instant friends bonding over anime and video gaming. We've only known eachother for over a month now but at times we have personal conversations about our lives and our pasts (without getting into anything too dark, we aren't ready to talk about bad memories yet) while playing MMORPGs. He's always there to make me laugh and feel better when I'm down or push me to do my best when I'm feeling unmotivated at whatever I'm doing (even if he does take his time texting back or not at all, which I know he has a life so I'm not complaining, I'd be worried if he didn't have one XD). He really is a great person. A little too great. I think I developed an unwanted crush on him. I really don't want a crush on anyone. Too much heartache and stress that I don't need. This kinda hurts and I'm not even dating the guy, it really stinks! I almost want to confess now, get rejected/friendzoned then move on with my life, but I know if I did'd be awkward being with him at work. Plus, its WAAAY too early to confess anything after just a month of meeting and I still barely know him, which would make it even more awkward. Plus, if we did date and we broke up, it'd have ruined a perfectly good friendship. What should I do? I want to keep my mouth shut and hope this dumb crush blows over but right now its eating away at me. Oh, and my job doesn't care about people dating in the same department. Just no PDA and whatnot. If I left something out, feel free to ask for details if it'll help you understand my predicament. ^_^