I Need Help.

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Well-Known Member
That's it really. I need help. But no one can.
The longer I wait, the more I am realising that.
My bf hasn't spoken to me in nearly 3 days.
My 'friends' haven't spoken to me in months.
I thought I could handle this.
But I can feel it drowning me again.
And i'm so fed up of this feeling I have inside.


Owner Emeritus
I do not see whiny and self centered. It is not wrong to want basic respect and human kindness/courtesy. Please give yourself some of both as well... you deserve to be treated better, especially by your self.

Take Care and Be Safe

Can you give more information?

How have you sought help, or have people tried to help? What went wrong with the help?

There is probably a way for things to get better for you, though it may not be easy to find.

We can try to help, and I hope that we can!
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