I need to die

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I don't like what I've done with my life, and some of the things I've done are unforgivable. I've lowered myself to the point where I'm not fit to be with anyone nice. I have everything I need to die but I don't have the courage to do it
I have dated a married man for over 6 years, and I have been a prostitute when I had to survive.

I am broken physically spiritually and mentally. I am not salvageable


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Hi there, we all screw up at times, none of us are saints. Like you said, you did what you had to survive, that does not make you a bad person. You can move on and yes you DO deserve to be around ''nice'' people, those nice people have surely made errors ion judgement and mistakes too. Please don't harm yourself. One thing is for sure, that is it is not the answer by any means.


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I don't think anything is unforgivable. You're in a situation you feel trapped in but deserve better from. If you could find your way free of some of the figurative bonds you're in I think you'd be much happier. Best wishes.
weve all had to do regrettable things to get by. life makes us do horrible things. I find that overall, it's not the actions in the moment, that defines a person so much as how they deal with it moving forward. I've sold my body, though I told myself a the time it wasn't that. I've whored myself for promotions (that's not a metaphor… lady bosses arnt any beter than there male counterparts from what I've seen) and I have defiantly done enough things to get me in jail if I had ever been caught. I was a terrible person till 27. I literally had to throw my life away. house job friends... the state I lived in. I even had to put my country behind me at one point. no contests. my point is it gets crazy rough out there. if you wana vent, I guarantee, short of telling me about "that time you ate babies with hittler", Its not gana phase me much, but I also appreciate that something as small as loving that one person that was so close to perfect "but not" can cause people to spin out in very real, very painful ways.
the mouths here might be flawed, as all humans are. but the ears here arnt that bad when compared to a lot of places I've seen


Well-Known Member
I don’t look upon either of those things as unforgivable. First case: sounds like you clearly feel it was against your ethics, although you aren’t the one who breached trust and I don’t think you’re the one who needs to feel ashamed. It sounds like you were in a position where you felt you needed this person regardless of the circumstances.

I also feel like your second case is very brave. The fact that you’ve said yourself you did it in order to survive is really noble. That shows great courage and says a lot about your motivation to keep going and to keep fighting.

I also believe it’s only up from here.


We can be so hard on ourselves sometimes. :(. I don’t see these as unforgiveable. We have all done things we are ashamed off


I have dated a married man for over 6 years, and I have been a prostitute when I had to survive.

I am broken physically spiritually and mentally. I am not salvageable
Please don’t take this the wrong way, I see how those things could cause you pain and I don’t want you to feel like I’m making light of that. But when I read that, my reaction was “Really? That’s all?” I mean, I’ve known people who I think very highly of who’ve done far worse at points in their past. So this idea that you’re unforgivable and unfit for anyone nice sounds like nonsense to me.

Like you said, you did it to survive. Says nothing about you as a person, all it means is that you were in a shitty shitty situation. If having been in that position causes you pain, that seems natural and like something you should work through, maybe in therapy. But the guilt you seem to feel over it is uncalled for.

As for the married guy; okay yeah, maybe not the best thing to do, but definitely forgivable. I mean, there are a lot of people out there who’ve made some really questionable choices because of the need for companionship. I hope to god we’re not all judged as harshly as you’re judging yourself.

You may feel broken, and I’m sorry you have to feel that way, but there is nothing unsalvageable about you.
I have dated a married man for over 6 years
While it's not good to participate in marital infidelity, I don't think that's unforgivable. It seems pretty common these days.

I have been a prostitute when I had to survive
I don't think you did anything wrong at all. It's terrible that you were in a position where you had to be a prostitute to survive, but I don't think that you should be blamed for that
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