Is there a way to just stop feeling emotions?

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Is there a way to just shut off feelings? Good and bad? I don't want to feel love because that leads to feeling dependent. I don't want to feel secure because that just means someone can take it away from me.

I could avoid killing myself if I could just stop feeling things.


Banned Member
Unfortunately not; if there was any such way, then we just would not be Human and thus, might as well be simply automatons, going about our daily 'lives' without a soul or any real purpose. To me, that rather defeats the whole point of being alive. The best anyone can do is accept the good emotions with the bad and just try and make do the best that they can on a daily basis and leave things such as worrying about the future or what other people think to obscurity, because you cannot change anyone, only yourself and ultimately, the World around you is only what you make for yourself, so instead of thinking negatively about falling into dependance on others or betrayed, let yourself go to the World and see what it gives you, because you simply cannot live a meaningful life with only one without the other or grow without both kinds of experiences.
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