Hello guys, good morning wherever u r, and whatever u r doing. I just went shopping for food, and had an anxiety attack in the Hypermarket as usual.
Hope ur dat is beautiful and better than mine.
Bring food, brunch, sushi and coffee are most welcomed.
I want to be there, who wants to join me?
1. Have you ever been in love before?
2. Are you a bashful Or bashing person?
3. Childhood nickname?
4. Sashimi or Tartar.?
ps. Sashimi is a Japanese meal, made of raw slicked fish, presented with wasabi, rice, and ginger pickles.
5. State 6 decisions , first 6 ones u would make if u were ( fill in blank ruler) of ( fill in the blank country).
6. If u were a dessert what would u be?
I know u r getting bored with me, but someone has to open the cafe right? I am a boring nerd I know, what can I do about it? 😕
one last thing,
“ shishite nochi yamu”
This is a Japanese moto, means ’ no giving up till the last breath’
just words I know, but I hope they would talk suicide outta someone.
Wish you all a beautiful day.
@Swift Quill
@Innocent Forever
Hope ur dat is beautiful and better than mine.
Bring food, brunch, sushi and coffee are most welcomed.
I want to be there, who wants to join me?
1. Have you ever been in love before?
2. Are you a bashful Or bashing person?
3. Childhood nickname?
4. Sashimi or Tartar.?
ps. Sashimi is a Japanese meal, made of raw slicked fish, presented with wasabi, rice, and ginger pickles.
5. State 6 decisions , first 6 ones u would make if u were ( fill in blank ruler) of ( fill in the blank country).
6. If u were a dessert what would u be?
I know u r getting bored with me, but someone has to open the cafe right? I am a boring nerd I know, what can I do about it? 😕
one last thing,
“ shishite nochi yamu”
This is a Japanese moto, means ’ no giving up till the last breath’
just words I know, but I hope they would talk suicide outta someone.
Wish you all a beautiful day.
@Swift Quill
@Innocent Forever