Jims Café Mon-Wed July 10-12

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Keep on keeping on.
@justrob my cat says your food offerings are divine! :D I've never had squirrel but I'll try anything once. Thank you for being so unique :)
Yeah. It has been more than 10 years since I had squirrel. Anymore, I don't really hunt as much as I just take a loaded gun for a walk in the woods. You see the most amazing things in the woods. But growing up my favorite meals were fried squirrel, fried dove, dove in mushroom soup, and gizzards and hearts in a mushroom gravy over rice.


Keep on keeping on.
*ROFL* "Squirrelly Temple"!!!! Too funny! Didn't like the fried squirrel though. *shakes finger @justrob - read my signature. :( *
I have sat at the corner of a cornfield and watched squirrel run up a stalk of corn, strip the husks, gnaw the cob off and drag the whole ear of field corn back to their nest. I would sit in their trail, and as they passed by the squirrel would jump up on the sampling located at my feet, look me in the eye and squawk their disapproval. They stopped and did this every time they passed by - both ways of travel.


Back into the wild where I belong. Out of your way
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:D reminds me of realllly fat squrriels at my sisters current house @justrob that lives on the block literally surrounded by cornfields... and the neighbor nails a dried corn cob screwed on a platform for them to sit on the trunk and munch happily on it surrounded by corn! Go figure give them some other sampling they scold at you as corn is their choice but daresay try a bag of leftover halloween corn candy and see how quick they change their minds lol


Mama Bear - TLC, Common Sense
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^^^ @All of you - lol! Great start to my day. Thank you! In the fall/winter/spring, I feed the chipmunks and squirrels in a local park. It's so fun to watch them! I get a little uncomfortable with the "wildlife" when they actually crawl on my toes or try to crawl up my jeans. eeek. :)
Sorry, I was out of town, just saw this

Favorite thing about summer...idk, I love summer, my favorite season, I'm not sure there's any one thing. I usually have a little more energy in the summer, the feeling of sun on my face and body. I stopped by a street festival during my trip, and there were lots of babies, dogs, and people. So there was just kind of a vibe of peace and harmony there. I don't really go to festivals of any kind often at all (I don't think I had been to something like that in many years), but I liked that.

Then there's the sound of crickets at night, and when there's a full red moon
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