Today's topic was inspired by an article; Making Tomorrow Better By Doing Something Today.
"admin" argues that you can do small things today, that will make tomorrow easier for you.
And they add up when you add them up, making life better despite the big fixes not being in reach quite yet.
So, in today's cafe, let's have a challenge;-
What are YOU doing TODAY to make Tomorrow Better?
Personally, I'll take a shower, so I feel less dirty, and won't be in a rush, or uncomfortable tomorrow morning when I have obligations.
"admin" argues that you can do small things today, that will make tomorrow easier for you.
And they add up when you add them up, making life better despite the big fixes not being in reach quite yet.
So, in today's cafe, let's have a challenge;-
What are YOU doing TODAY to make Tomorrow Better?
Personally, I'll take a shower, so I feel less dirty, and won't be in a rush, or uncomfortable tomorrow morning when I have obligations.