Jim's Cafe - Thurs.Apr.18, 2024


Well-Known Member
I like the reflection of the mountain range on the lake as if the lake itself is a parallel world. I like the strong contrast between areas shrouded by shadow and areas illuminated by the orange sunset. Also, the position of the sunset just above the hill is perfect.

Generally speaking, these pictures are nice in that they divert my attention from inner turmoil to something that is pleasing to think about.


~ Peace and love to all ~
Tysm for the replies everyone :)

PS - Also, a special ty to those who wished for me to get well soon. I am taking those kind wishes as deeply to heart as I can, cos still being so sick is definitely wearing me down a lot right now. I think for most of my life that I haven’t been “loving enough” to myself as in appreciating my own value and worth, so really trying hard to give myself those things in the deepest, most powerful, loving and healing way that I can. Just cos my sis is moving so far away in less than 2 months, it does not mean there is no hope left for me, that it will cause me to crumble or anything negative at all. Doing my best to accept the situation and not be selfish. I want her to be happy, so if living there instead will make her happy then I need to just feel happy for her too.

Oh one more quick thing I wanted to say is - there’s definitely NO pressure/demand for talking about that mountain lake pic I posted there, like it was only a “suggestion” for something for people to talk about in this cafe. Please everyone feel free to talk about whatever you want like what is on your mind, what you’re thinking and/or feeling, or even posting pics of some things you like, whatever you want :)


SF Supporter
Sorry @JMG ~I like almost/or--nearly: ALL, of them! Bu t I was trying to figure how best to represent, or put it (that) yester~ . . . & so, the struglle, continues! j/k :D (I was entertaining telling you which one or two, I did not like, bugt figuresd that could ring a false, or hollow note~* * & therefore/then - set the wrong tone, or message/sent(d)). ;) ;) ;) ~TRUTHFULLY!.. They're Alll so GREAT- i'ts just really hared to schooces. and then to give my best efforts to explain why, well, I've never gben gooed with one for those. Lilke Jack Nicjolson once said,"we're here to ...(?) Entefr=tain; & not (to ) Exx PL-A-IN1" ;-D :-D yea, or yes! legtt's go w/that~(it sounds brilliangt) hahaha..:)


SF Supporter
The first thought that comes to mind is Bob Ross.
He is brillinat!

The last one i really love the colors and scene. It feels like the time of day or evening rather, that I would be out enjoying everything. Its like a quiet place to hide away in peace.

Today I have felt excited and nervous and I have sone lyrics that keep repeating in my head all day. 😅 they express how I feel about my doctor appointment tomorrow. I came out last year as transgender and I am hoping that I finally get to start on T. So I feel excited for that yet nervous one, because I think I worry "what if my doctor decides not yet?' Which would really suck a lot 😔 and two, i feel nervous because if I do get to start it, I have to learn to give myself shots 😅 I am not stranger to needles (I have 27 piercings and 6 tattoos) but, giving yourself a shot is very different. Nonetheless, I am for once looking forward to a doctors appointment.
Good Luck! And I'm sure you'll do well, and handle all of it, with aplomb!

Omg I am si sorry for such a long post 😦
Well, if that was long, I'll have to begin doing some more heavily scrutinized, "self-editing" of each & every..;)
last one of my 'characters,' in... my posts! HA j/k. ;) :D


Has a frog in the family
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View attachment 66784
Hey all, thought I'd post a cafe again for today :) I don't have a collage today, but instead just "1 pic" that I thought people could comment on/talk about. Feel free to say what you like/don't like about this pic, what you think would make it "better" or just any other thoughts you have about it :);) Always curious to hear about the feelings evoked by pictures too so please always feel very free to talk about that too :) Hope you like the pic, and sorry if it's not one you care for much. Hope everyone is well and that you all have a good day! :)

View attachment 66785
Tags: @Kiwi2016 @MisterBGone @luminance @Lane @AmberMarie @1Lefty @1964dodge @cymbele
thank you for opening the cafe and invitng me



Well-Known Member
Cascade Mtns. in Washington State... more specifically, Rachel Lake, looking towards Aasgard Pass. It's a trail a bit overrun with tourists on nice days, but still impressive all the same once you get up to the lake after a few tough miles (depending on your physical condition 😂).
Adding this to my "must visit" list when i am up visiting family! Thank you for the info!!!


~ Peace and love to all ~
Beautiful pic FFurry, love it! :)

Tysm to the 9 people who replied after my last ty post in here, really wasn’t sure if I’d be posting another cafe for awhile, but reading your kind message @Road to Nowhere has really helped restore my faith that maybe it does make some kind of positive difference for people when I post them. Mind is just in a weakened state right now cos of having the worst cold I’ve ever had in my adult life (today is day 9, mostly just a lot of coughing and another thing now, very tiring though for sure) I know I’ve been talking about it so much over the last several days, starting to wonder if maybe people have thought I’m just “being a baby” about it but ya it has just been a brutal one.

Anyway thinking I probably shouldn’t talk about it any “more” even if it stays the same like this for another day, week or (god forbid!) month. Sorry if it’s been annoying for people to read or caused feelings of helplessness I haven’t meant to do those things. Next cafe will be ALL POSITIVE only with NO mention of me still being sick lol :) ;)

Road to Nowhere

SF Supporter
Beautiful pic FFurry, love it! :)

Tysm to the 9 people who replied after my last ty post in here, really wasn’t sure if I’d be posting another cafe for awhile, but reading your kind message @Road to Nowhere has really helped restore my faith that maybe it does make some kind of positive difference for people when I post them. Mind is just in a weakened state right now cos of having the worst cold I’ve ever had in my adult life (today is day 9, mostly just a lot of coughing and another thing now, very tiring though for sure) I know I’ve been talking about it so much over the last several days, starting to wonder if maybe people have thought I’m just “being a baby” about it but ya it has just been a brutal one.

Anyway thinking I probably shouldn’t talk about it any “more” even if it stays the same like this for another day, week or (god forbid!) month. Sorry if it’s been annoying for people to read or caused feelings of helplessness I haven’t meant to do those things. Next cafe will be ALL POSITIVE only with NO mention of me still being sick lol :);)

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