Jim's Cafe - Wednesday 24th April

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Well-Known Member
I would rather...
1) Be an athlete cause scientists can make mistakes and, if there’s any mistake to be made, I’m sure I’m gonna make it.
2) Be able to teleport, that way I could finally show up on time to class for once in my life. Lol
3) Live in a cave, I like dark places.
4) Never have another cold, red lights suck when you’re in a rush, but colds suck more.
5) Holiday anywhere on earth expenses paid, I think I’ll stay and get a handle on my life on earth before I take on the responsibility of going to the moon.
Thanks so much for the tag @pooky and @Woowoo !


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tag @Woowoo :)

Would you rather...

1. Be a world class athlete/sportsperson or a world class scientist?
Scientist definitely. Maybe I'd invent a cure for depression :)

2. Be able to fly or teleport?
Fly. Teleporting would be more convenient but nowhere near as much fun.

3. Live in a cave or a tree house?
Tree house. In a palm tree overlooking a tropical beach (am I allowed to be that specific?)

4. Never be stuck in traffic again or never have another cold?
Never have another cold.

5. An all expenses paid trip anywhere in earth or be one of the first people to holiday on the Moon?
Holiday on the moon. I don't care too much about the holiday bit but I'd love to see the Earth from above and to experience zero gravity. I'll quite happily be one of the air stewardesses on the trip there..
thx for the tag @pooky
1. and answer to @Woowoo
athlete and sportsporson would be nice :3 arend they more or less the same tho?
and isnt a cure for depression simply:
sun/healthy lifestyle/ sports/friends whon you can fully trust and a hobby u can pour ur soul in????
2.teleport. i have always wanted to do that and jump from one place to another in an instant.
3.car. but a really big one then xD xD xD
4.never have another cold!!!! looool
5.all expenses paid trip sounds perfekt!!!!!


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thx for the tag @pooky
1. and answer to @Woowoo
athlete and sportsporson would be nice :3 arend they more or less the same tho?
and isnt a cure for depression simply:
sun/healthy lifestyle/ sports/friends whon you can fully trust and a hobby u can pour ur soul in????
2.teleport. i have always wanted to do that and jump from one place to another in an instant.
3.car. but a really big one then xD xD xD
4.never have another cold!!!! looool
5.all expenses paid trip sounds perfekt!!!!!
Good to see you @Mremptyinside *hug


Absolute Peach!
Thank you for the tag @Woowoo :)

As for your questions...

1. Be a world class athlete/sportsperson or a world class scientist?
Scientist... either to invent something mind blowing, or to do something that'd help a lot of people. Besides, do I look like I'd like to spend my Saturday morning running? Nah, thanks.

2. Be able to fly or teleport?
Teleport EASILY. I'd be able to visit family whenever I want and see amazing things around the world.

3. Live in a cave or a tree house?
A tree house, but a reeeeally fancy one.

4. Never be stuck in traffic again or never have another cold?
Never have a cold. Worst. Experience. Of. My. Life.

(maybe I'm a little biased, since I don't drive)

5. An all expenses paid trip anywhere in earth or be one of the first people to holiday on the Moon?
I'll be taking the paid trip to anywhere, thanks. The reason? Quite simply, and this should show my generation, no Internet. I'd want to call my sister at some point... purely to make sure she's still feeding the dog, obviously ;)

Sending hugs



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Great questions!
1. Be a world class athlete/sportsperson or a world class scientist?
2. Be able to fly or teleport?
Teleport - as long as I could take others/things with me. All the saved time!
3. Live in a cave or a tree house?
A cave - there are some beautiful cave homes, and they are more secure - no waving about or toppling over in a big storm.
4. Never be stuck in traffic again or never have another cold?
Never have another cold. I'm a nurse in urgent primary care, so sick people are always coughing and sneezing on me.
5. An all expenses paid trip anywhere in earth or be one of the first people to holiday on the Moon?
Definitely the moon - push the boundaries for sure.


☆☆Admin-tastic ☆☆
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Thanks for opening the cafe @Woowoo
Here we go!

1. Be a world class athlete/sportsperson or a world class scientist?
Scientist hands down. Think of the discoveries.

2. Be able to fly or teleport?
Teleport ... I've got people I need to see. I mean really and flying is going to take WAY to long to accomplish that. Besides I don't have a passport, I need to be able to sneak around the world.

3. Live in a cave or a tree house?
Cave, I don't like light

4. Never be stuck in traffic again or never have another cold?
Never have another cold. First, I get man cold's (SHHH). Second, my colds turn into bronchitis which turns into pneumonia and I'd rather not have any of that ever again. Traffic is annoying, but doable.

5. An all expenses paid trip anywhere in earth or be one of the first people to holiday on the Moon?
Trip ... I'm coming to the UK and I'm bringing a friend. That's right, I've amended it to include a friend.


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1. Be a world class athlete/sportsperson or a world class scientist?
Scientist. I'd simply rather have brain over brawn. No other reason. I would like to be able to do something on the planet before I fall off it. At this point I'm not even making a scuff mark on it.

2. Be able to fly or teleport?
Teleport cause then I can zap myself wherever I want to fly, right?
I'll be there soon @Freya

3. Live in a cave or a tree house?
Tree house cause a cave sounds far too dark. And wet. And bats. And snakes. Let's just not do that.

4. Never be stuck in traffic again or never have another cold?
I'll go with not having colds. Traffic isn't the worst thing in the world. You just hang out and listen to your 8 tracks and bob your head.

5. An all expenses paid trip anywhere in earth or be one of the first people to holiday on the Moon?
Question says the "FIRST people to holiday on the moon" so I guess that means there's nothing there already but I've always been really into space. I think I'll go with this one. I'll just have to pay for my travel here on the planet.


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Good morning Sf friends, hi @Woowoo, miss ya. Thanks for tagging me. Questions helped me get my day off on the right foot. Thank you *hug*bounce

Be a world class athlete/sportsperson or a world class scientist?

Sports. Afraid of gym class as a kid and like golf or tennis, also fun to be outside and in good shape. Kids might look up to me.

2. Be able to fly or teleport?
Teleport. I'd have a reason to have a full happy life and be all over the globe.

3. Live in a cave or a tree house?
If I could leave, cave would be spacious and great for parties.

4. Never be stuck in traffic again or never have another cold?
No traffic and hopefully goes for if I'm shotgun.

5. An all expenses paid trip anywhere in earth or be one of the first people to holiday on the Moon?
I'll pick one of the first people to holiday on the Moon. Story to be left behind about me.

Fleury Dragon

Rawr 🐲
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Would you rather...

1. Be a world class athlete/sportsperson or a world class scientist?
I would rather be a scientist have no interest in being a sports person and prefer solitude.

2. Be able to fly or teleport?
Teleport sounds exciting and much safer than letting me fly a plane.
3. Live in a cave or a tree house?
Definitely the tree house. Thinking maybe in Africa or South America somewhere. With the teleport ofc so I can come back to a home base.
4. Never be stuck in traffic again or never have another cold?
Never have a cold. Traffic is already sorted by the teleport and it's a nightmare being ill when you are ocd and germ phobic.
5. An all expenses paid trip anywhere in earth or be one of the first people to holiday on the Moon?
Space travel doesn't intrigue me so all expenses paid trip. I think I would like to travel the entire South Island of New Zealand always told myself I would travel there before leaving NZ. Followed by a trip to Africa to stay somewhere where you have breakfast with giraffes outside. I find them fascinating.
Hope everyone has a great Wednesday, Thursday here now lol.


🦩 Now a flamingo, not a kiwi 🦩
SF Pro
Thanks for tag and opening @Woowoo...love the would you rather questions....

1. Be a world class athlete/sportsperson or a world class scientist?
Be a scientist to find cures ...so many diseases/conditions that deserve cures but guess if I had to chose would select dementia/Alzheimer's which rob a person of who they are and the memories of those who care about them

2. Be able to fly or teleport?
To fly as could travel great distances seeing the earth below feeling the wind in my hair and soar and swoop down where ever I wanted to land (if were much younger and more athletic would love to do skinsuit flying)

3. Live in a cave or a tree house?
Live in a tree house...loved those pictures...create my own space in the canopy above all the bustle of the world below and hear the wind in the trees...will happily share one of yours @Woowoo

4. Never be stuck in traffic again or never have another cold?
Would go for a cold as others have said traffic seems interminable but is at least finite and colds linger and linger it seems

5. An all expenses paid trip anywhere in earth or be one of the first people to holiday on the Moon?
All expense paid trip to New Zealand and since you didn't mention time frame....would be a vacation that lasted several years...lol

Wishing all a great Wednesday...we've made it halfway though the week :)

tagging @Angel368 @Havoc @JMG @mpk @kdm @@magiclynx @SillyOldBear @nobodyknows71 @Bloop @Foreignwoman @Acy @Angie @Petal @Kira @Devenny @Winter Blues @Blue Star @BlueGreen @extraterrestrialone


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1. Scientist
2. Teleport (although I always wanted to fly, teleporting would eliminate most of my travel anxieties, such as getting lost, getting in an accident, the car breaking down, the train station, airport, etc.)
3. Cave
4. Never have another cold (same reason as @Ash600)
5. The travel money, now that I can get there via teleport, I'll have the means to not only enjoy seeing historical sites, but also to finance some humanitarian work utilizing my science degree.

@Woowoo : Thanks!
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