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Empathy Only Kitty feels funny


Works during the day, doodles at night.
I love my new meds but Ritalin had me feeling robotic like a flatline for my hyperactivities cause I probably thinking i need to work harder on my personal side project (my mentor got me so excited) cause of my constant worries that I will have no confidence that ill ever succeed from my personal failures and frustrations experiences (short attention span struggles) as it shrinks in after getting nightmares abt it. I could let that slide but I doesn’t know how to wind down even with relaxing hobbies given that since I’ve been feeling like I work quicker than usual, I find it hard to accept that theres more time to relax me thinks so I’ve been pushing myself harder, got me to be so hard on myself. i would contemplate to do more but the meds calm me down so much i wouldnt. it made me stop but cant accept that cause it only contemplate on my worries more instead. cant be keeping myself busy all the time?

kitty dont know how to relax, but this shall be discuss in my therapist appt later too. 🥺


SF Supporter
I love my new meds but Ritalin had me feeling robotic like a flatline for my hyperactivities cause I probably thinking i need to work harder on my personal side project (my mentor got me so excited) cause of my constant worries that I will have no confidence that ill ever succeed from my personal failures and frustrations experiences (short attention span struggles) as it shrinks in after getting nightmares abt it. I could let that slide but I doesn’t know how to wind down even with relaxing hobbies given that since I’ve been feeling like I work quicker than usual, I find it hard to accept that theres more time to relax me thinks so I’ve been pushing myself harder, got me to be so hard on myself. i would contemplate to do more but the meds calm me down so much i wouldnt. it made me stop but cant accept that cause it only contemplate on my worries more instead. cant be keeping myself busy all the time?

kitty dont know how to relax, but this shall be discuss in my therapist appt later too. 🥺
the like means empathy kitty 😸


Works during the day, doodles at night.
Yay my therapist helps me make new emotional scale with meds to help me self regulate better while coping to adjust well to the meds too 😺 Kitty feels better. 🌈

This is the real kitty now :D


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