Lifes over


Well-Known Member
I ain't got nothing left to keep going. I'm just nothing but useless to people I cant take it nomore. I got no chance of going on. Nobody would miss me as a person just miss me as a slave or bank. I hate who I've become. I'm a worthless person and cant even talk to people cause I dont know how. I dont even know why I'm here now cause help cant help me. Wat to do

Human Ex Machinae

Void Where Prohibited
I ain't got nothing left to keep going. I'm just nothing but useless to people I cant take it nomore. I got no chance of going on. Nobody would miss me as a person just miss me as a slave or bank. I hate who I've become. I'm a worthless person and cant even talk to people cause I dont know how. I dont even know why I'm here now cause help cant help me. Wat to do
You weren't talking about YOU till you got to the last line. Turn your focus from others, to yourself. That's when your eyes will begin opening.


Has a frog in the family
Safety & Support
SF Supporter
i hope you can start to feel better about yourself. there are a lot of things that you can do. try to focus on yourself. try to meet people irl that you think would be good for you. and of course you can make friends here on SF. please keep talking we are listening to you...mike...*hug*shake

Holding my breath

SF Pro
SF Supporter
What's happened in your life to make you think this way? Were here to talk, and we're all going through something or rather , if we have more info we may be able to give better advice
Hi DM Pleased to see you reach out on the forum. I can disprove one of your statements that you can’t even talk to people, because you talked to me before. When you say ‘nobody would miss me’ what facts have you got to back up that statement to prove that this is true? Depression is horrible and it makes us see things through very dark glasses so we don’t always see what’s really there. We are here for you and I’d notice if you were gone. Stay safe and keep talking. *hugXX


Well-Known Member
I can't get a girlfriend and it's killing me inside. I'm turning 35 and I'm still completely invisible to women.

No girl in the world wants anything to do with me and it's making me want to end everything.

People these days are not nice to each other and I think this is why this world and everything needs to end for the better. At least I want everything to end so good people won't suffer on this Hell called planet Earth.


Staff Alumni
SF Supporter
I can't get a girlfriend and it's killing me inside. I'm turning 35 and I'm still completely invisible to women.

No girl in the world wants anything to do with me and it's making me want to end everything.
I know someone who feels the same as you @uri , but I can honestly say he's one of the sweetest, kindest, people I've ever known. He is attractive too and it pains me he just can't see it, or have the confidence to approach girls. He's already pre judged the outcome so has given up trying, but I feel sure he's wrong and there is a girl out there somewhere for him.


Well-Known Member
Ty everyone I'm really cant break this that I'm going through all I want is to be dead but everytime I go to end it I dont. My thoughts are killing me inside already had 2 heart attacks 2 days in a row. Doctors told me its cause of stress. No I didn't tell him my situation due to 17000 dollar bill they sent me last time I went in and apparently didn't help cause look were I am. I dont want anybody else to get hurt or be hurt cause I hate myself. Wish I could help myself to help others but wanting to hurt myself probably ain't a good start. I'm tired of feeling down everyday. It hits me out of nowhere for no reason and I just want to end it cause the pain is so hurtful and ain't go noone to talk to or turn to without being judged. This is why I'm not worthy to live. I know it's my problem but nobody else's but know one day I won't be able to stop myself. It's already getting worse and not much I can do on my own to calm myself down. It hurts and the thought bought my kids without me cause I lose control hurts more. I dont know wat to do or were to turn cause I cant ask for help. My wife told me she cant help me i have to help myself well that's wat her therapist told her. Well wen I'm gone she can thank her therapist cause i asked for help and it took me 3 months and to hurt myself to get help last time. Life sucks and I'm sry I'm just really shut down right now
Sorry that you're going through this Depressedman
No I didn't tell him my situation due to 17000 dollar bill they sent me last time
You might be able to get some help getting access to affordable healthcare. I can try to make some suggestions if you'd like.
This is why I'm not worthy to live
You have inherent worth as a human being. You're also probably a much better person than you give yourself credit for being.
it took me 3 months and to hurt myself to get help last time
Do you want to say what kind of help you've had in the past?
There's nothing to be sorry about. This is what SF is for.


Well-Known Member
Sorry that you're going through this Depressedman

You might be able to get some help getting access to affordable healthcare. I can try to make some suggestions if you'd like.

You have inherent worth as a human being. You're also probably a much better person than you give yourself credit for being.

Do you want to say what kind of help you've had in the past?

There's nothing to be sorry about. This is what SF is for.
Been hospitalized for failed attempt and to be exact I have severe depression anxiety disorder and some kind anger disorder and suicidal thoughts. I'm just a bad apple that is unfixable and worthless


Well-Known Member
I want to thank everyone for being good people here on SF and I'm sry I cant get better even wen i want help but i dont know wat to do or were to go or who to talk to. I've been turned down or steered in the wrong direction so many times that i cant handle nomore stress. I do want help and really need it bad but really scared to. Everytime I end up In this state of mind. I dont want to live but scared to die cause i care bout my family and friends. I want to change and hate who i am but scared of who else i will turn into. I really am confused right now and i dont know were to start. Not having a job and losing everyone and everything is hard enough and starting life over is even harder. Just hate i had to get this low in life. I'm sry to everyone for the things i said and i know how horrible and stupid i sound but that's the crappy life I live. It's my fault and now I'm hurting cause of it. I turned into a pussy cause this depression messed my head up bad. I really wish and hope 1 day it ends and really soon.

Thank you everyone for the kind words and for trying to help it's more than I get from my family that's hates me so much. Sry


Staff Alumni
SF Supporter
I want to change and hate who i am but scared of who else i will turn into. I really am confused right now and i dont know were to start.
I turned into a pussy cause this depression messed my head up bad.
You will be who you always have been, but minus the self hating thoughts you identify yourself with due to depression. Depression attacks our very sense of self or identity, covering it with dark thoughts, but you are not limited by or defined by these thoughts. You are not your thoughts, you are much more than what your harsh inner critic tells you about yourself, so start doubting it and then rejecting what it says as only mere thought, not fact. I hope you stay around here so we can reflect back to you the truer version of yourself that your depression is covering.
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