Look out

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Look out guys, I signed up here to annoy y'all! I almost feel sorry for you that you have to deal with me from now on.. No no just kidding, I'll be nice.

But now you're reading this anyways, let me introduce myself.

My name is Dawn. It isn't my real name, but the people I hang out with call me Dawn too. I dislike my real name, so I tryna use it as less as possible. So for now, just call me Dawn, please. I'm 17 years old, and I live in The Netherlands. My English isn't that great, so I'm sorry for that but I'll do my best.

The reason I signed up here, is because I was reading articles about suicide and that's how I found this forum. I'm one hell of a mess, especially last weeks, and I was thinking 'maybe I have to do something instead of smoking everything away'. And no, I'm not talking about cigarettes. 'Maybe talking with people who are going through a hell as well will help in someway.' So I don't know, I wanna try it. I'm not only talking about my own shit right now, I also wanna talk with others about their stuff that's going on, help them and support them. If you ever need someone, you can always contact me. I know I'm not the only one saying that on here, but I just want you guys to know.

I think that's all I have to say for now.


Innocent Forever

Staff Alumni
SF Supporter
Hi Dawn
Welcome to the SF family!
I'm glad you've joined us here.... You're not alone.
I'd never have realized that english wasn't your first language if you hadn't alerted me to the fact.
I'm excited to be 'dealing with you' from now on. You sound fun and like a gorgeous person.
Hope to see you around :)


We either find a way, or make one.
SF Supporter
Welcome to SF Dawn, I can see you are gonna fit right in here.

I am a old man who until 9 yrs ago, smoked a lot of shit. Sometimes it made matters appear worse than they were, but overall, my experiences were nothing but positive. But I did have to limit my usage, feel I had some control, if that makes sense. Then a 12 day stay in hospital meant I could not smoke. When I came out of hospital, I just thought, I have done 12 days, I can do 13. Then 14 and on and on. I don't miss tobacco in the slightest, but I do miss the other. So smoke, but make limits if you can and stick to them.

Also, if you are prone to mental health issues, smoking the green wont exactly help matters most of the time, as you are probably well aware. So that's another reason to set limits/cut back. I never found it a problem in that respect, but don't know how I would respond to it these days.

Look forward to learning more about you and what brought you here to SF. Its a great community of people who are all in the same boat, no one will judge you here, no one will criticise, we all just try to help and support each other the best way we can.
Hi Dawn. Welcome aboard! Lots of caring and loving people here for you and lots of really hurting people who could use a kind word from you as well. This is an amazing place that saved my life... More than once, actually. Stick around, read some threads, visit the chat room, get to know some people. We are a friendly bunch. Glad to have you along.

Hugs and prayers
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