As many of you know i lost my sweet baby girl when she 4 years old to a drunk driver. Lately i have been thinking about her alot. i miss her so much. i journal and write letters to her but i am finding that even hard to do ath this time. it seems like everything is making me remember the little things about her. a smell hearing a my other daughter laughing and just a mixture of things. i know that she is in a better place and no longer in pain but that was the hardest descion i have ever made to take her off life support. the only person that was there for me was my brother and i dont have him anymore to turn to about missing my angel because a year ago he took his life. so not only am i missing my angel im missing my best friend i am trying so hard to remember the good times and the good memories but sometimes i find that even hard to do. how i miss them so much. i still love them and i always will and i believe that he is watching over my angel and watching over my other daughter and myself. it took me a long time to get close to my other child because i was so afraid that i would lose her and i knew i couldnt deal with that pain again, i am not strong enough to and i know that. i guess right now i am just looking for some support and kind words of hope. thanks all for listening your great.