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missing my angel


Well-Known Member
As many of you know i lost my sweet baby girl when she 4 years old to a drunk driver. Lately i have been thinking about her alot. i miss her so much. i journal and write letters to her but i am finding that even hard to do ath this time. it seems like everything is making me remember the little things about her. a smell hearing a my other daughter laughing and just a mixture of things. i know that she is in a better place and no longer in pain but that was the hardest descion i have ever made to take her off life support. the only person that was there for me was my brother and i dont have him anymore to turn to about missing my angel because a year ago he took his life. so not only am i missing my angel im missing my best friend i am trying so hard to remember the good times and the good memories but sometimes i find that even hard to do. how i miss them so much. i still love them and i always will and i believe that he is watching over my angel and watching over my other daughter and myself. it took me a long time to get close to my other child because i was so afraid that i would lose her and i knew i couldnt deal with that pain again, i am not strong enough to and i know that. i guess right now i am just looking for some support and kind words of hope. thanks all for listening your great.



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I genuinely have no idea what something like that would feel like so I don't want to even BS you and say that I understand how you feel in any capacity. There cannot be anything worse on the planet than losing your daughter in an accident so all I can really say is that your daughter knows how you feel now and she would want you to be happy. She wants you to live your best life here and to have a great existence now. She's not here to share that with you but you've got other things to concentrate on and be proud of. You deserve to laugh and smile and live for yourself. Cheers.


Hugs @Bbear82

I am sorry for your losses. I can’t imagine...

would you consider sharing their names? (Not the last name.)
also, i‘d love to hear a memory about them.

i am sorry if those requests are too personal. and understand if you prefer not to discuss.

i hope that some of our virtual hugs & love help to reassure/comfort you. I hope that the good memories out weigh the grief most of the time. 💔😢💜🦩😘


Well-Known Member
Hugs @Bbear82

I am sorry for your losses. I can’t imagine...

would you consider sharing their names? (Not the last name.)
also, i‘d love to hear a memory about them.

i am sorry if those requests are too personal. and understand if you prefer not to discuss.

i hope that some of our virtual hugs & love help to reassure/comfort you. I hope that the good memories out weigh the grief most of the time. 💔😢💜🦩😘

My daughters name was Ashlie Kathleen, but we called her bashlie. my brothers name was David. he is the one that gave ashlie her nickname of bashlie because when she met other people she would smile at them and then barey her head in out shoulders or neck. he loved her so much, as did i. she had the most beautiful smile and the most beautiful blond hair and blue eyes. she could make you smile even if you were down. they really were best friends. he was not only my protector but he was more importantly her protector. they can never be replaced.


Well-Known Member
I genuinely have no idea what something like that would feel like so I don't want to even BS you and say that I understand how you feel in any capacity. There cannot be anything worse on the planet than losing your daughter in an accident so all I can really say is that your daughter knows how you feel now and she would want you to be happy. She wants you to live your best life here and to have a great existence now. She's not here to share that with you but you've got other things to concentrate on and be proud of. You deserve to laugh and smile and live for yourself. Cheers.
thank you for your word and for not BSing me.i appreciate your caring and thanks for replying
I honestly can not imagine how your feeling or going through, i am honestly so terribly sorry for what youve been through. Your song is absolutely beautiful by the way, like your lyrics say ' trust that heaven needed you more', no matter how difficult it gets or how easy the other way looks, remember that each morning your waking up and getting out of bed your doing your daughter and your brother so proud.

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