My best friend is gone.


Well-Known Member
In April I lost my best friend. Before I go further let me mention that she was my service dog. Leeza was a pug, she was my best friend as I mentioned before. She was my solace, my rock. She had been sick the last 2 weeks of her life. We had her in and out of the vet but even after hundreds of dollars, they didn't see what was wrong. The last day of her life was unbearable. I can't even describe it because it's still so painful.
My daughter and her fiance had her cremated for me and my husband. They clinic that did it was so caring. The put her in a beautiful wooden box. My husband said they put rose petals in it. Her name "Leeza," is embossed on the top of the box. They also dipped her paw in Clay so I have her paw print as well.
Leeza always slept with my husband and I, in our bed and she still does. I keep her box close to me. It's been 6 months since her passing but I'm just so scared of the holidays coming up. Spending them without her. I have all her old Halloween costumes and Christmas sweaters and dresses. I can't get rid of them.
I can't and won't get another dog. She was it for me. We still have a cat and he's a sweet heart. We joke and sometimes comment that he's half dog. He's gotta be in your lap and likes attention, unlike most cats.
I'm just wondering if anyone's lost an animal that they were very close to. How you may have gone through the process. It really socks that we get such little time with them.
Sorry that you lost Leeza.

It's hard to lose a pet. It can be as hard or harder than losing a person.

Eventually, you might be able to replace the pain of loss with gratitude of having had her in your life. You probably gave her a happy life, and she certainly could have ended up with an owner that didn't love her nearly as much.

I hope you can find some comfort.



Back into the wild where I belong. Out of your way
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Can tell you each dog that I was lucky to have beside me that has went onto the rainbow bridge has taken a huge part of my heart with them. I still have the jolt of feeling the grief 3.5 years later when being reminded or seeining a familiar face in another dog after the last dog BFF of mine, we evolved with them on our side for eons of time. It is natural. It is genuinely and equally like losing a human family member. It does not take the pain away but you evolve. Have had to go through this exactly with 6 great dogs in my lifetime, having another dog does not replace that older dog whatsoever it just is a new family member with their own personality but it does make it easier having a constant source of unconditional love. I miss having a dog. Really do. I cannot have a dog with my job keeping me at work more than I am home.

My advice is not to be hard on yourself when you are sad about it. Allow yourself to grieve. Everyone processes it differently.

A first holiday without a loved one is very rough on everyone who has experienced a loss.

Not need to justify why you dont want another dog, just was very curious because she was a service dog. What happened to that need being met?


Well-Known Member
Can tell you each dog that I was lucky to have beside me that has went onto the rainbow bridge has taken a huge part of my heart with them. I still have the jolt of feeling the grief 3.5 years later when being reminded or seeining a familiar face in another dog after the last dog BFF of mine, we evolved with them on our side for eons of time. It is natural. It is genuinely and equally like losing a human family member. It does not take the pain away but you evolve. Have had to go through this exactly with 6 great dogs in my lifetime, having another dog does not replace that older dog whatsoever it just is a new family member with their own personality but it does make it easier having a constant source of unconditional love. I miss having a dog. Really do. I cannot have a dog with my job keeping me at work more than I am home.

My advice is not to be hard on yourself when you are sad about it. Allow yourself to grieve. Everyone processes it differently.

A first holiday without a loved one is very rough on everyone who has experienced a loss.

Not need to justify why you dont want another dog, just was very curious because she was a service dog. What happened to that need being met?

I talk to her still, (she was an emotional support dog) Days when it's too hard, I grab her box, hold it and cry. From heaven I can still feel her comforting me. She also visits me sometimes in my dreams.

Thank you all for your kind words and support. This has been difficult.


Has a frog in the family
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a dog to some is just a mindless pet that doesn't matter. to others its like a member of the family. i am like you a dog is a member of the family. you need to grieve in your own way. never forget her as i'm sure she loved you very much. when you are ready start again. if possible start with a shelter pet so you can save both your lives and theirs. i hope you can start to remember the fond memories more than the painful ones soon...mike...*hug*shake


Well-Known Member
I feel you. I had to put to sleep my wonderful husky 4 years ago. I had a hard time sitting in the table to eat because it reminded me of my dog laying on my feet under the table when I'd eat.

I had a cat too. So that's a good thing. It helps alot.

I know exactly what you mean when you say you can't have another dog. I felt the same.

Stick to your cat. And after awhile when you'll feel ready you should find yourself a sweet puppy. I know this is the last thing you want to hear right now but remember that there's always a sweet puppy looking for a sweet caring mommy out there.

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