My Mother Cheated Me Out Of My Father's Will

So part of this thread is to ask for practical advice, and part is just a rant.

My father died almost two years ago. After his death, my mother claimed that the will was lost, but it's become clear that this was not the case. The fact that she claimed this means that she was scheming about the will before his body was even cold.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that she would sink this low, but it still blows my mind that my own mother would do this to me.

I've never seen the will, so I don't know what's in it. I assume that there's some way to get a copy. I don't know what legal rights I may have, but I think I should consult a lawyer. I really have no idea how to pick a lawyer though. If I can't even trust my own mother, how can expect to find a lawyer that's worthy of my trust?


Misknown Member
Hi May,

I would definitely consult a lawyer. I suppose the only thing you can rely on lawyers for is you're paying them to help you. So losing your case or screwing you over doesn't reflect well on their firm/self. I think you can avoid lawyers taking your money and running by doing thorough research and looking at reviews. There are also free legal advice sites that can probably point you in the right direction in regards to what kind of lawyer you will need and any other general questions. I know many counties here have legal aid offices that are for low income or offer free advice. Maybe there is something like that where you are from.

Even if the will doesn't have anything in it (which I suspect it might since your mother lied about it), it belonged to your father and you deserve to see it.


To Wish Impossible Things
SF Supporter
Wow. I'm so sorry your mother has done this to you.

Do you have any siblings? What's your relationship generally like with your mother?

Going through a lawyer could kill any relationship you have with your mother so that needs to be carefully thought through. But if you're prepared for that then going to a lawyer is definitely the way forward here. I've never had to find a lawyer yet but personal recommendation would be good if you know anyone who has. I've just found this online which might be helpful..

I'm really sorry you've been put in this position. Hugs May *hug


Of dust and shadows
SF Creative
SF Supporter
As well as the excellent advice given by @Sunspots , the will, if it was made through a professional will-writing service then approach them as they should have a copy retained. Also, in some cases in the UK at least, wills can be held on a national database or will register allowing laywers to attempt retrieval if need be. I'm not sure if such an arrangement exists in the US, but it's worth chatting with a lawyer about it.


Mama Bear - TLC, Common Sense
SF Supporter
Hi, @may71 - I’m sorry to hear you’ve found yourself in this spot. :( Yes, a lawyer is probably the way to go.

Where I live, many lawyers will offer a free, short consultation. Perhaps lawyers in your area do that too? You could check out some different ones before you committed to hiring one of them.

I hope you find some answers and resolution soon.

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