My Professor humiliated me!!!!!!!!

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Banned Member
My Professor revealed I have a learning disability to the class today. I just want to die. Now everyone knows how stupid I really am and can use it against me. I am mad, sad, and drinking since I don't know any way to feel better. I am just a stupid fuck with a learning disability who will never be anything.


Well-Known Member
None of what you said is true. Having a learning disability does not make you stupid.

Also, he broke his contract of Pupil Confidentiality. If you report this, he can lose his job, or at least get into some form of trouble. You should try and speak to the head about this and get some help on how to deal with your emotions right now.

Just remember, you're not stupid at all and I am very sorry this has happened. I think you'll be surprised though, most people won't care about this learning disability of yours. Two of my closest friends have them, but they're still some of the best people I know.
People with learning disabilities have higher IQ's than the general population. Many are geniuses.

Your professor violated your privacy. It would be reasonable for you to report him/her for this.

Please don't say bad things about yourself.


Well-Known Member
that was so wrong what he did and you need to report him asap..
keep your head held high have nothing to be ashamed of ..
he is the one who should be ashamed of himself...


Account Closed
awwww. Like everyone else is saying, report your professor.That was stupid of your professor to do. Don't feel to awful about it. :hug:
In the 8th grade, my science teacher told my mother that I should be in special ed because I don't talk in class. I didn't feel bad at all about that cause I knew she was the stupid one for saying that. Most teachers are lucky to have a student that doesn't talk in their class and I know it. So like I said, don't feel to bad. You're not stupid for having a learning disability. Your professor is the stupid one.

Madam Mim

Well-Known Member
None of what you said is true. Having a learning disability does not make you stupid.

Also, he broke his contract of Pupil Confidentiality. If you report this, he can lose his job, or at least get into some form of trouble. You should try and speak to the head about this and get some help on how to deal with your emotions right now.

Just remember, you're not stupid at all and I am very sorry this has happened. I think you'll be surprised though, most people won't care about this learning disability of yours. Two of my closest friends have them, but they're still some of the best people I know.
I completely agree with all of this. Your professor must be reported, as his behaviour was not acceptable. However, don't let it affect you or knock your confidence. You are clearly not stupid at all, and as Confusticated said, most people genuinely don't care about it anyway.

Please report the idiot, and let us know how it goes. In the meantime, be secure in the knowledge that you are an amazing person, and that your learning disability does not define who you are.



Well-Known Member
That was wrong for him to have said your personal business aloud like that. Hope you eventually feel better. You're not stupid either. :hug:


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
Staff Alumni
SF Supporter
Your professor sounds obnoxious and heartless.
I'm glad you're feeling better today, hugs :)
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