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New diagnosis?


SF Supporter
So have was dianosed with depression and anxiety initially years ago just by GP. Then later with general anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder, with Obsessive compulsive disorder and Depression. Now i've been diagnosed with Avoidant Personality Disorder. Anyone got/heard about this? There has been talk about Autism a few times before but the doctor thinks this fits better as I have social skills but avoid using them through fear etc.


šŸŽøšŸŽ¶Metal StaršŸŽµšŸ„
Safety & Support
SF Supporter
I don't know much about this, but I hope you find the answers to your questions and that it helps you. *hug Take good care. ā™”


Ninja of light
So have was dianosed with depression and anxiety initially years ago just by GP. Then later with general anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder, with Obsessive compulsive disorder and Depression. Now i've been diagnosed with Avoidant Personality Disorder. Anyone got/heard about this? There has been talk about Autism a few times before but the doctor thinks this fits better as I have social skills but avoid using them through fear etc.
It makes sense if you avoid people, and do not use the social skills you have and are capable of.
I've heard of it, can't remember what it means

Avoidant personality disorder (AVPD) is an enduring pattern of behavior related to social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and sensitivity to rejection that causes problems in work situations and relationships. Avoidant personality disorder is one of a group of conditions called anxious personality disorders, which are marked by feelings of nervousness and fear. People with avoidant personality disorder have poor self-esteem. They also have an intense fear of rejection and being negatively judged by others. In avoidant personality disorder, extreme shyness and fear of rejection make it difficult for people to interact socially and professionally. People with avoidant personality disorder may avoid work activities or decline job offers because of fears of criticism from others. They may be inhibited in social situations as a result of low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy. Additionally, they may be preoccupied with their own shortcomings and form relationships with others only if they think they will not be rejected. Loss and rejection are so painful to these individuals that they will choose loneliness rather than risk trying to connect with others.

just some info I found from a few websites ā™„
So have was dianosed with depression and anxiety initially years ago just by GP. Then later with general anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder, with Obsessive compulsive disorder and Depression. Now i've been diagnosed with Avoidant Personality Disorder. Anyone got/heard about this? There has been talk about Autism a few times before but the doctor thinks this fits better as I have social skills but avoid using them through fear etc.
Sometimes a certain symptom is present in multiple disorders, that's the reason why your doctor thought of autism. When it comes to socializing in avPD - the main reason for avoiding it is the fear of being rejected or criticized. People that are on the autistic spectrum tend to lack social skills ( they don't understand the inuendos in interactions, they can be completely uninterested in socializing, or they can monopolize entire conversations by talking only of their preferred topic)and it can be overwhelming for them to interact with new people.
How do you feel about the diagnosis? Did your doctor explain what it means and what the treatment options might work for you?


SF Supporter
Iā€™ve always thought of it as though people with this diagnosis can have difficulty determining your tone, or meaning, in a given statement. So for instance, if I say something sarcastically ā€” they will not be able to tell that I am not being serious. Or, ā€œOh man! Iā€™m so sick of my Mom calling nonstop to check up on me ā€” I wish sheā€™d just drop dead!ā€ Even though I didnā€™t mean what I said (in the second, or last part /half), it maybe interpreted as though I did, indeed or in fact mean just that (because itā€™s hard to read our facial expressions and nonverbals - communication wise, etc - inflections /) . But I think @Gavlyn said it a million times better than I ever could have...


To Wish Impossible Things
SF Supporter
I'm diagnosed with AvPD along with BPD and MDD.

There doesn't seem to be a specific treatment type for AvPD. I take anti anxiety meds which I guess help with some of the symptoms but really mask it rather than help if you know what I mean.

The thing that's helped me the most is therapy - both individual and group (although as an avoidant the group therapy was incredibly hard at first). They've helped with my reasoning and self esteem which in turn has helped with the anxiety. I force myself to go out and meet new people even though it feels like the worst thing ever. I remember the first SF meetup I went to, I don't think I've ever been so scared in my life. But the sense of achievement after was amazing. My therapist and my CPN set me tasks to do, I guess it's sort of like exposure therapy.


SF Supporter
Iā€™m sorry, I was referring to the autism spectrum question of angle with my answer! Where is my mind?? I donā€™t know. . . (Canā€™t find itā€™s anywhere)! Looks like youā€™ve got some good places to get started though from all the unput that others have added. : )

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