New here

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lol google took me here (damn google and its dictator ways)
My name is Stephan, a 14 year old Male.
I hate myself and blah blah blah long speech.
I listen to goth, punk, emo, and some black metal. I enjoy video games and computers and chatting with my best friend, the only one who seems to understands my ways.
I dunno what the hell is wrong with me, but something seems to be very wrong.
Reality isnt as it should be. The world is dying along with me. A mass infection called ignorance. A disease called impossible.
A world without adventure.
A world without a true crisis.
These are the last days in which we rage with war and as we all know we not only rage against other nations, but mostly amongst ourselves.
If world peace would ever to happen, I'd say it would explode...


Staff Alumni
Welxome to the forum Stephen. I am guessing you weren't quite searching for the site you happened to come upon, but we are glad you did. I hope you find others here that understand your ways and what you are about. we are a friendly, supportive community. I am glad you chose to join us.


Hi :)

Welcome to the site!

I hope that you find some friendship and support here - I am sure you will

thank you.
I have ran my own forums before and usually post a lot.
So you can expect my posts to count up fast, especially with these vast and various amounts of forums.


ps: why does your myspace account say your 26 and you are 14 here?!! (yeah - sorry - I am a perfectionist and always need to make sense of things - as you will learn!.....)
Hey, I'm new here too. ^^

I found this site because I remembered an ad for it on RBSU a couple of years ago. I wanted to see if it was still around, so lo and behold it was, and I joined...

So hey thepaper!
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