no one cares if i die

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Antiquitie's Friend
Hi, it can take a while for people to get round to reading these threads, at first I found it a little frustrating but if you hang around you'll find that people do care and can offer some good help and advice. I usually read these posts and think... "erm... I don't know what to say" as I'm not very good with words, anyway all I can say is I've read your post and think it's a shame you feel no-one cares as I think we pretty much all do on this site. Hang on in there and hope to speak to you again soon.


Well-Known Member
I don't know you but I can promise you that you will be missed, very much!

I'm sorry, I don't know what else to say to you, but I really do care. Please keep talking. Please don't do anything drastic.



Active Member
just a few thoughts... if you're dead, how will you know if your'e missed or not?

If you're dead.. how can you prove to us that you were right and we were wrong?

Perhaps if you won't be missed, its' because you're not making enough of yourself, to become missed? Perhaps if you stop telling us you won't be missed and do something about it, so that people value you and can love you. Maybe, just maybe, you WOULD be missed?


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt be missed, it would just be like "oh yano jo"....."yea"....."well she died"........."oh my"

and some would even laugh after being told

left behind

in you bio it says that you love radiohead, i would miss you purley on the basis that there would be one less radiohead fan in the world

left behind

theres too many to mention, everything in its right place, creep, 2+2=5...ect.

i saw them live at the v festival in the summer, best gig ever. THEY BLEY MY MIND!!!!
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