Nothing left

I'm 58, my husband won't come near me any more. I have no friends and my daughter has disowned me because I ruined her life with my mental problems. I lost my only friend, my lovely mother, last year and haven't been able to talk to anyone about her passing. I was her carer. I have no-one to talk to. In the last year I have lost my mother, my new job, my health (breathing problems, IBS, depression, alchoholism), my daughter, my sex life, my figure (I am vastly overweight), my confidence, my financial stability (dreadful debt), my hearing/eyesight, my memory (I believe I may have Alzheimers), my car, my motorcycle (debt again) and even my hamster last week. Yes, I know, but it all mounts up... I have NOTHING left in my life as my husband and I are on the verge of separation...

My question is - how do you even start pulling yourself out of a hole this big?


My question is - how do you even start pulling yourself out of a hole this big?[/QUOTE]

First—I am sorry your burden is so heavy.

how do you pull yourself out?

Baby steps. At the beginning, try to look at One thing at a time. Perhaps address your health first. Make appointments. Try to become the healthiest you possible.
Next-Go to addiction meetings. Start working the program. This will help you with regaining clarity. Fixing relationships. It helps you learn how to interact appropriately with others.
I know this is an international place, so idk if it’s offered in other countries. But, in the USA, you can contact any hospice. Let them know of your recent grief. They can provide (free) grief counseling & classes.

You can get out. One foot in font of the other.


Well-Known Member
Wow I’m sorry @lasselante. You’ve been hit by so many issues and they’ve all piled on together. I’m glad you came here and hopefully even just talking will help. You said you have no one to talk to but the people on this site are happy to listen.

I have to agree with @FlamingoWrangler in taking baby steps to get out of the hole you’ve found yourself in. Maybe try to focus first on something that you think you would have a good chance of having success with. Then try moving on to the next thing and so on. If you look at everything together it is overwhelming but maybe by trying to break the issues up some you may be able to climb your way out a little bit.

Is there anyway to salvage your marriage or your relationship with your daughter? Is there some way even if it takes some time to make amends with your family? I’m kinda going through something like this with my family and I know it’s hard and extremely painful mentally.
You just feel so alone. Sorry I don’t have more to offer but I’m happy to listen if you need to talk.


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Hello to you and welcome to SF. We're glad you came here and started talking with us.
Sounds like you have a lot going on right now.
Like the others say, at this point you have to pick something and start at that place and work on it. Everything likely feels SO overwhelming right now that you don't know what to choose or where to start. What means the most? Is your relationship with your daughter or husband something you really need or rely on? Maybe start there if you think one of those can be salvaged. Or your health. Nothing comes quickly but if you start taking steps then before you know it you're on a path.
You might like this link:

Have a good day. Keep posting okay?
You've all been so helpful, thank you. I'm a positive person by nature and always looking for ways forward so yes, I've made those appointments. The people I've spoken to (doctors, health services etc) either can't, or won't help. I've been on a waiting list to just speak to someone for well over a year. No-one at my doctor's surgery knows me, so they always say the same thing when I visit, promising to get things done. Next visit, different doctor, same promise. I have done everything in my power to make my life better - taking Open University courses, learning to drive, losing loads of weight, learning different languages... you name it, I've tried it. I've looked after my health, but how do you exercise with tendonitis, and how do you make your eyesight/hearing/memory improve?
So the 'where do I start' question isn't 'what can I do next?', but rather, 'what can I do next that I've already tried before? How do I make it work when it depends on other people who don't care or don't have the funding to help?'

My relationship with my husband is the problem at the forefront of my mind right now, and after I found out that he was spending a LOT of money on his mobile game and hiding it from me, when our credit cards are maxed out, and we are not meeting payments, I took his deceit to heart, particularly as he blamed me for not buying him presents. I understand that he has a problem, and I'm willing to work it out with him, but he won't talk to me about it, so I'm left frantically worried about finances, and, as usual, no-one (except you) to talk to. And now I've lost my trust in him. And all the while he is making fun of me, refusing to touch me (we've not made love or had sexual contact in a year or more) and not talking to me.

I'm still mourning the death of my mother, and feeling really lousy about losing my job (I was injured at work - their fault - and then dismissed because I took time off to heal). My hamster, bless her tiny heart, was only with me 5 months and I committed 100 pounds to try and save her, but it didn't work. And now I'm 100 pounds further in debt, and sweet hammy is still dead. And I don't earn money because I can't work. I've tried working online, teaching online, everything I can, but nothing brings in money.

I have lost so much in the last year or so, that I sometimes feel that there's nothing left to lose. But there is. When I mentioned separating to my husband, he said he would make me sell my house and I would not have enough money to buy another place. And I don't have anyone to stay with. I looked online for help, possibly legal aid, but there was none available. Yep, that sounds about right....
Sleeper71, your comments are very helpful. And yes, it helps getting things off my chest like this. The relationship with my daughter depends entirely on her, as I am always happy to welcome her back into my arms. She just finds my mental problems too overwhelming, and she has such a successful life that I am just going to bring her down. She's newly married, so I hope she will have a supportive partner in her husband. He seems a smashing lad, so there's hope for her x
FlamingoWrangler, hi there! Thanks for the advice. The only counselling I can get is private which would cost a fortune, something I don't have. I have been on the waiting list for addiction counselling for over a year, the same as ordinary counselling. When I ring up and make a fuss they usually say I'm "not eligible" or something similar x
Walker, I would LOVE to salvage my relationship with my husband, but it looks so unpromising as he can barely find time to look at me these days. I still love him, he's a lovely considerate, thoughtful man. Just, lately, not with me..... x
Thanks Flamingo; tonight, things have got worse. I guess it is possible. Things with my husband have reached an all-time low. Tonight I feel that getting any older would be a grave mistake. If my memory, eyesight and hearing get any worse - well, it's bad enough already. I tried to talk to my husband, but he won't speak loud enough for me to hear. I can't see well enough to drive safely, so I'm dependant on him. My daughter has already said that she would not be willing to spend time looking after me if I get as bad as my Mum (she loved my Mum, same as me), so who would? I have no-one to care for me. Not now, not in the future. Things are looking bleak


@lasselante i know feels overwhelming.
I am feeling like cutting my hair off too. Even if it was a cry for help, no one would hear me. I always joked that my family wouldn’t notice my hair, even if it was on fire! I recently had Bell’s palsy (1/2 of my face paralyzed.) .. they didn’t notice.

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