Permanent effects

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Well-Known Member
My last OD attempt, over a year ago now, since then i have been Twitching, losing my thouhgts.

My phych reckons it was the OD, it's messed me up, Lif eis gettting harder and harder, and it's making wish i didnt fail that attempt.

Has anyone else had long lasting effects from and OD or some sort of attempt.
Back in August, I attempted. My tendons too are screwed up,but on my lift wrist where I attempted. Even the slightest touch there hurts, moving my wrist, shifting it can hurt.There permantly scarred.
It's only been a month since my attempt, but I've been experiencing flu-like symptoms ever since. I sleep a lot more, my skin is really sensitive, I'm always dehydrated and I can't keep food down.


Well-Known Member
I'm really sorry to hear about permanent effects, you don't deserve them at all. Is there any more treatment they can do for any of you?

I've tried 2 minor overdoses which I didn't seek medical attention, so I didn't have any permannent effects. One was for caffeine/paracetemol pills when I was 15, I couldn't sleep for about two days and felt like absolute sh*t. Another time was a few months ago, I have left over tablets from when I was on this mood stabiliser, when I took them, my vision went really blurry and I slept for really long, it was really weird. I was gonna ring NHS Direct to check if they're bad symptoms since I wasn't online at the time, but I freaked out at the thought of being forced into hospital.
I have effects from my attempt this year and also the treatment, going on months so far, can suddenly become worse and i would not be able afford to be treated.. so it might kill me after all.

Makes the thought of becoming better seem pointless..
I dont really know if this count but ive been told that due to the numerous od's which ive not sought attention for and the fact that i have a funny heartbeat the likelihood of me randomly dying is now higher and that even the recommended dose of an over the counter medicine could kill me. Not something i every really thought about or even that keen to keep having.
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