Recipe Thread

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Well-Known Member
I know there was one of these a while ago, but I figured id start up a new one. Post up some of your favorite recipes :)

Ill start - Raspberry filled french toast

-Loaf of french bread
-Two jars of raspberry jam
-2 boxes of cream cheese
-Powdered Sugar
-Heavy cream
-Vanilla extract


Take the loaf of bread and cut it down the center. Warm up the cream cheese in a bowl so that it is soft. Mix in the raspberry jam. Spread the raspberry jam and cream cheese onto each of the sides of french bread until layered evenly and then put the two sides back together. Wrap the whole loaf in plastic wrap and put into the freezer over night.

The next morning mix some heavy cream, some eggs and some vanilla extract in a bowl. Heat a griddle and slice the loaf of french bread. Dip each piece into the batter and cook. Top with some powdered sugar and enjoy!


Well-Known Member
Salmon and pasta... I made this up myself once and I really like it.

*Salmon (frozen or fresh does not matter)
*Heavy cream
*Ketchup or tomato purée
*1/2 yellow onion
*Salt and pepper
*1/2 lemon
*1 box of Barilla pasta/spaghetti

Dice the salmon, chop the onion (or like me; just put it whole in the boiling salmon sauce later and remove it when the food is done... I hate the texture of onion) and fry it with butter, then mix it up with the cream to make up a sauce. I use ketchup (and squeezed lemon) in the sauce to get some extra color and flavor, but any tomato sauce should work. Salt and pepper.
Cook the pasta.

Done! Plain and simple, this is my favorite.
Homemade Oreo Cookies

2 pkgs Devil's Food cake mix
4 eggs
1/2 cup vegetable oil
Roll into balls - Bake10 minutes at 350* F


8 oz cream cheese
3 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1/4 cup margarine
1 tsp vanilla

Put filling between cookie layers and chill. Best frozen
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