Relapsed, again.........

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Well-Known Member
this is my second time joining, the first time helped me very much, it even got me to change major aspects of my life. It's been about four or five years, since feeling this low. I had hours of being so low in that time but not months . It has now been three months and it's getting darker and darker in this endless tunnel.


Some kind of geek
SF Author
SF Supporter
Welcome back Gauge. I'm so sorry that you've had to return under these circumstances. Did something happen three months ago to make you so unhappy?


SF Social Media
SF Author
SF Supporter
Hi Gauge
Sorry you had to return to this site but we're glad you made it back and found us again. I hope you get something out of it once again and can move along like last time.
Is there something specific bothering you or is it a general feeling of depression holding you down?
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