Running advice

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I love running. I used to run everyday and I felt good about myself. Now, I'm afraid to leave the room I'm in. I live with my boyfriend in his parents' basement, and I'm just afraid to go outside. I don't want anyone to see me, and I just can't get over it. Does anyone have any advice on how I can get outside again?

total eclipse

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Staff Alumni
small steps hun really step outside door for a few days just open door look outside then sit on steps for awhile then step on the grass next day small steps will get you to bigger steps hun therapy will help as well hun and meds for your anxiety hugs


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Maybe it's different for girls, but when I get into the headspace where I don't want to be seen/can't handle people, I tend to hide in my apartment and then go out when it's dark. People can't really see you as well, and if I feel really bad I wear a baseball hat and sort of keep my head down. I still feel kind of bad if I see people, but there aren't as many people around… so I can run and not have to worry about anyone seeing me.
Hey...maybe that'll help--a hat. It's like when horses wear blinders to keep all the "visual noise" out and help them focus. I'm definitely going to try that.
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