Saturday will be the day

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I have thought long and hard about it. Have weighed my options and decided death is the most logical choice. I don't feel sad, depressed, or lonely. I just know I will die eventually and am tired of delaying the inevitable. I don't see the point anymore. I had wanted to find my answers of why we exist, but I've come the realization that it wouldn't matter.

So I have planned for Saturday to be the day I cease to exist. Where my body will no longer function and life will end. I am not afraid of it. I didn't exist for billions of years and it wasn't bad at all. I suppose I should say goodbye like everyone else does, but I won't. The words we speak today may linger on, and their echoes may still be heard for generations, but eventually all voices are silenced.


Senior Member & Antiquities Friend
thats very brave of you to choose your day i kinda feel the same sometimes ive looked for answers
if youre not sad depressed or lonely what bought you to this point?
is it a what else can go wrong?
is it a what else can they/i do?
It is simply that I know I will one day die regardless of any actions I take. So instead of just living a life that will be erased, I want to just get it over with. End my meaningless life, that in the greater scheme of things will mean nothing. I have no problems with family, friends, work, etc. Everything in those areas is fine. I just have come to this decision based purely on logic.


Well-Known Member
The thoughts you are having is similar to me. I don't necessarily feel depressed but always thinking about not being alive. Its because of some problems. Its true we will eventually die. But maybe you can find some reason to live in the mean time. If we are going to die anyway, we might as well try to enjoy life while we are alive. I know its easier said than done. Maybe there needs to be no reason to live. God does not need a reason to exist, he just is. The universe does not need a reason to exist, it just does. I heard that in a documentary once. Anyway please don't think its the end of the road. You may feel better in the future maybe even in a few weeks time, but if you die you will never know. I hope you feel better soon mate. Take care sending you lots of hugs xx


Senior Member & Antiquities Friend
i think i understand,but what if your life isnt meaningless.what if your life is about to take a good turn,do you really want to do this to your friends,family
nobody wants to get old,how old are you now?
im not saying this is the wrong thing to do ,im just trying to understand your logic of death when youve got people around you,
ive always known im going to kill myself,how long have you known?
That's my problem. Why I hadn't done this before. I don't know what will happen. But I know that there is not a god. Ha the sheer arrogance of man that believes we know everything, so when we don't, we can't admit fault in the culmination of the universe's efforts(humans) and instead create a god in our own image. A god that can take the burdens of knowledge off of our shoulders. But enough of that, that has no effect on my decisions.

My age is of no concern, but I can tell you that I have thought about this for 5 years now. In times of sadness and times of complete joy. The thought never leaves my head. There is no logical justification for the importance of human existence. We are simply an organism that evolved one step further. But again my life is not bad at all. By my standards I have a good life. People around me? I mean they too will die and along with their deaths the sadness or confusion my suicide will cause will fade as well. I don't care of their reaction because I will be gone and it will no longer effect me. I've known I was going to do this one day and I recently just asked myself what I was waiting for. I have no complaints for my life right now. I know there is an eventual end regardless of how the rest of my life plays out. My only reward is death. I simply have no need to wait.


Senior Member & Antiquities Friend
what are your plans for saturday?
are you just going to dissapeer?
leave a note?
have you spoke about death alot over the last 5 years and people just tell you get over it or cheer up itll get better
have you attempted suicide before?
I live on the 8th floor of my complex and overlook a lot under construction. So I will <mod edit-gentlady-methods>. I have no desire to leave a note, but perhaps I will write down my thoughts on what life, relilgion, love, etc are all about. I have only received responses relating to emotion. When I tell them the issue isn't feeling, they ignore my words and simply think I seek attention. Which is of course far from the truth. I have attempted before and even though they did not succeed (obviously) I know now it was because I knew deep down I wasn't sure yet.

Words are a random assortment of letters that without someone to interpret and listen to are meaningless.
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Well-Known Member
All you talk about is logic, why don't you get out of your head a little. i'm not trying to beg you to stay, but your reasoning doesn't make a lot of sense to me, there are other ways of knowing things, you can't base everything on logic. And maybe you might be wrong about your conclusions.
What alternative are you suggesting? Technically speaking emotion is also created by the brain. You say I can know things and figure things out without logic? I don't understand that. I cannot be wrong in this for it is true that I will one day die. Every human being before me has done so.


Well-Known Member
Lex331, you don't know everything there is to know. What if you find out after you died, that you still existed on another level, and you did not like it there at all, or it was even worse. And you have no way to change your situation, ever?


Well-Known Member
What alternative are you suggesting? Technically speaking emotion is also created by the brain. You say I can know things and figure things out without logic? I don't understand that. I cannot be wrong in this for it is true that I will one day die. Every human being before me has done so.
Intuition, everyone has it, getting in touch with that you will know more than you could on logic alone. People can reason their way about anything, but intuition is truth.
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