Shame of my face

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I’m a 44 year old guy. Three years ago I found out my wife had an affair. We have three kids and what I thought was a great marriage.

I planned on building a new life after the divorce. I was healthy, with these great kids, a great job. I was ready for a new adventure

During the divorce my eyes became very sore and I developed some strange acne. I went to the dermatologist and they diagnosed me with acne rosacea and ocular rosacea. I was prescribed doxycycline, which I’ve taken before without any issues.

My skin improved in my eyes felt better. After about two months of being on the medication I started waking up but they flushed face. They told me they could also happen with my diagnosed disease. Afterwhile my face started swelling a little bit in the mornings, and I’ve read other people had similar experiences with rosacea.

I took pictures and reported all my worsening symptoms to doctors. They all told me to stay on the medication. Then during one office visit when my face was really swollen they drew blood and then diagnosed me with an autoimmune condition.

I got multiple opinions and they all told me the same thing, to stay on the medication for my eyes. After six months of this I quit all the medications and learned that I was experiencing a hypersensitivity to the two different antibiotics they prescribed. I had taken both of them before without problems.

I walked around with burning eyes in a red swollen face for six months. I was convinced that I had some disease, like they told me I had.

The damage that long-term reaction did my face is unbelievable. It left me bright red in permanently swollen, and now biopsy show my face is starting to harden.

I can’t tolerate any sunlight at all, I haven’t been outside in almost 3 years. My face is disfigured.

I can’t exercise anymore otherwise the swelling gets worse. I have to sleep sitting up otherwise I wake up even more swollen.

To make matters worse I am a ER nurse.

How I did not realize that this was an antibiotic allergy for six months, I don’t know.

Maybe it was the stress of the divorce, or the intense eye pain, or the anxiety of my swollen face. But I went to so many doctors and they all told me to stay on the medication or things will get worse. And I believe to them.

I have no family very few friends I’m alone in the world with a face that I disfigured by being stupid.

I don’t want to die but I can’t live very much longer like this at all. I can’t believe that this was my fate.


Well-Known Member
I know it's easier said than done, but you should not feel ashamed over something you don't really have control over. Upset and depressed is understandable my friend, suicidal too, but don't be ashamed. it sounds like you're going through a shit of a time with your health, I am too and most people here are, just stick around here and open up for now.
Sorry that you're going through this Weezer

There are some suggestions that I might make, but I'm not sure if you want suggestions.
a face that I disfigured by being stupid
It's reasonable to follow the advice of a doctor. It's even more reasonable to follow that advice when you get different medical opinions, all of which agree. You didn't do anything wrong or stupid, it's just that doctors sometimes make mistakes, and even when they don't make mistakes there are just limits to what they can cure or treat.
I don’t want to die but I can’t live very much longer like this at all. I can’t believe that this was my fate
Please don't give up yet. There's still some things to try.

I hope things can get better soon
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