Sheltered Accommodation/Housing

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Well-Known Member
I was just wondering whether anyone has any experience of living in sheltered accommodation. I've just seen a support worker and he thinks that it would be ideal for me. He's taking me to have a look on Friday, but I was just curious.


Well-Known Member
I've just come back from where I could be potentially be living in the near future.

It seemed pretty darn awesome to be honest. Everyone just lives in a converted house to flat thingy. 2 flats to a house. Then there's a house in the middle of the estate which is the support workers base. The garden there contains chickens, a workshop, greenhouse and an allotment.

There's 24 hour support and what have you (if you need it). I'm not sure what I was expecting like.


Antiquities Friend
Staff Alumni
Good luck on the move :smile:

My cousin lives in sheltered accomodation and has a great time, things to do when she wants and privacy when she doesn't.
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