should just end it now

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Banned Member
my life is just one giant screw up, tommrow is going to be the beginning of the failure of my academic career and I will have nothing the show for it. I have made no friends, no one talks to me, as far as I can tell besides random people on the internet, no one likes me, whats the point. I am going to fail, I haven't really prepared for the test and I have made no waves socially. For months I have been toying with the idea of an OD, i think the time is fast approaching to put my plan into action.


Well-Known Member
Hey, im trying to avoid being 'that stranger on the internet' but im here to listen. is it just the work thats bothering you?


Banned Member
I am really just tired of trying, nothing in my life has gone right, tommrow will be a slow decent into getting kicked out of school, I am constently in tears and I am excausted.
i know what it's like to be tired and i'm sorry you are feeling that way. can you seek out the counselling services at school? perhaps they can help you get an extension on your coursework or let you take a little time off, at least until you start to feel better. you deserve a break. things will get better.


Banned Member
i know what it's like to be tired and i'm sorry you are feeling that way. can you seek out the counselling services at school? perhaps they can help you get an extension on your coursework or let you take a little time off, at least until you start to feel better. you deserve a break. things will get better.
I already took one break in 08 and a year off in 09, plus my school dosen't offer conusling, nothing is every going to get better, if I want to pass I need to comply with ABA regulations which I am faling miserably in doing at the moment. I have the method to end it all I just need the courage.
I am new so am a bit afraid of speaking. I am not going to ask questions because your feelings are your own.

What I do when I feel I cannot endure more is, I tell myself "wait until tomorrow". I can always do it tomorrow. When tomorrow comes, I do it again.

Sometimes, saying "wait an hour" is the best we can do. If you can do that, knowing you still have an out, can buy time, and things may get better.

Telling yourself "I can still do it. And wait an hour, a day, and if you can keep doing that, always knowing you still have that out, it buys time and things may improve, and the desire to go through with it eases up.
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