shouldnt waste time

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I am really close. nothing has gotten better, only worse. this person I like likes me too, but I don't want to waste their time by killing myself so I can't bring myself to get close. it's fine, I'm not into family and relationships anyway. I'm just sick of making ties that I know will be broken when I die even if by that time I'll be gone and nothing would affect me anymore anyway. and I have hopes for the future that are just crushed by my feelings, I can't move past them. if it is not death that does me, then running away from everything and everyone I've ever known will. death, or running away I guess. sorry but I needed to vent.
a lot of things. each year that goes by I get closer and closer but it hasn't happened yet. I have a gut feeling that it's gonna happen this year tho I'm just sticking it out for a little longer
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