So what do you guys take


Antiquities Friend
lamictal, dexedrine, celexa, citalopram, the occasional ambien when my head won't shut up. i think it's almost time to give another aap a whirl, but i'm fighting that tooth and nail for now. :moon:


Well-Known Member
My medicines changed...Prozac, Risperdal, and Ativan right now. Effexor CR worked better for me but still wasn't doing well. My doctor suggested ECT...I think I'd rather have that than medications (too many side effects and ineffective)....


SF Friend
Staff Alumni
everything listed above, only no more lithium. only on four meds a day, not five. Yeehah, does that mean I'm getting better or just that I'm no longer crucial to the drug companies survival??:blink::blink: Or do they already have enough donors...:dry:

Sa Palomera

Well-Known Member
I've been on Paroxetine somewhere last year but that didn't do anything for me.

Now I'm on Ritalin (officially 60mg - 3 x 20mg, but I don't always take that much, sometimes I take less)


Well-Known Member
Sodium Valproate/Olanzapine(Zyprexa)/Mirtazapine and Zopliclone....i'm feeling quite good lately after a change of meds,hope it lasts....piling on the pounds though:ohmy:
Right now I'm not on 'official' medication - just a ton of alcohol (a handle a night) and illegals (benzo's, marijuana, every once in a while drop some acid, and heroin [when I want to end up 6 feet under]).

Ended up here - note these only work until you adapt to them - then you become aware again.

Before I was on seroquel, zyprexa, risperdal, thorazine, haldol, zoloft, effexor (horrible drug), celexa, imprimamine, desipramine, paxil, prozac, klonapin, ativan, ambien, pretty much all the anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, and tranquilizers out there.

Likely to change tomorrow - psychiatrist visit (been away from them for
quite a few years - personal reasons); it's that or a court order to go to the hospital (gotta love when you slip and tell your psychologist the truth about how your feeling and what your hearing).


Staff Alumni
SF Supporter
Lamictal for depression
Lorazepam for anxiety
Zolpidem Tartrate for sleep

goodness gracious.
they all don't do much. I think the reasons are emotional, and I don't know how much drugs really do anything. I just take them because I still live at home and my parents won't help me out if I don't.

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