Still my family I guess

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Well-Known Member
How could he do it? That's what I wonder the most how could my own blood and flesh come into my room and touch me the way he did? Does being his sister mean nothing to him, I know I was the only girl out of three boys and my dad but still you can't do that to me! I thought I didn't care, I thought the pain of it would go away but there still there in the back of my mind wanting me to remember but I don't want to I don't trust myself.
N the the other person whom I live with, does he not understand the meaning that I'm his niece I don't want to know or hear or see what you do in your room when it's just us two in the house. Don't ask to hold my hand while you're doing it. Im your niece not your wife whom you don't even share a bed with!
It's disgusting, I can't live with myself, I mean am I causing them to do this to me? Do I carry myself like that?

total eclipse

SF Friend
Staff Alumni
YOU are not causing anything these people are sick and you need to talk to someone at your school a councillor a minister someone you trust
You have done nothing hun you need to tell someone what is happening and perhaps move out into a safe place a relative you trust even


Well-Known Member
YOU are not causing anything these people are sick and you need to talk to someone at your school a councillor a minister someone you trust
You have done nothing hun you need to tell someone what is happening and perhaps move out into a safe place a relative you trust even
Honestly I'm scared to... I wouldn't know how to bring it up... I mean I have so many people but I can't seem to say anything, I worry too much. I'm afraid I'm going to hurt them, and I don't want to. I don't even know if there is a safe place for me, most of my family hates me

total eclipse

SF Friend
Staff Alumni
i understand fear i understand the guilt of not wanting to hurt them but this cannot go on ok You can talk to a councillor at your school you don't have to say names but let councillor know you are not feeling safe ok you need a place where you can feel noone can harm you


Well-Known Member
i understand fear i understand the guilt of not wanting to hurt them but this cannot go on ok You can talk to a councillor at your school you don't have to say names but let councillor know you are not feeling safe ok you need a place where you can feel noone can harm you
I understand that but it's not so simple. I can't just ask to speak to someone I can't do it. They have people watching me constantly. I'll worry them half to death. But I'm scared half to death. I find it so hard to speak about it....
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