The 5 senses :)

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Well-Known Member
What is your favorite:




Touch (Feel-sex doesn't count, too obvious!)


AND, how would this be incorporated into your perfect day?

I'll go first!

Sight- The beach at Cannes, looking back at it from my favorite rock offshore.

Sound- My husband's keys in the door when he comes home from work

Smell- Cotton candy or fresh-baked cookies

Touch- Sliding into bed when I'm pleasantly exhausted on "clean sheet day"

Taste- Escargot and crusty bread dipped into the melted escargot garlic butter

My perfect sensory day: If I lived in Cannes, I would go to the beach, swim out to my rock and sunbathe with some snacks (cheese, bread and wine). I would swim back to shore, buy some cotton candy and go home and bake fresh chocolate-chip cookies. My husband would come home from work and we would go out to eat and order tender, delicious escargot for an appetizer followed by an amazing meal. We would go home, eat cookies and cotton candy for dessert and exhausted from my day in the sun, snuggle into a freshly-made bed with clean sheets :)

That would be a great day.


Antiquities Friend
Staff Alumni
This is hard because tho sight is the one I couldn't live without, to never hear music again would be dreadful :sad:

Sight: My old Lem curled up after a bowl of prawns.

Sound: Ravel's Bolero played at full blast :biggrin:

Smell: Fresh bread :drool:

Feel: My dog's head

Taste: The first bite of warm fresh bread with lashings of butter.....disappears down to the kitchen :laugh:


Well-Known Member
Sight:- A pair of blue and orange overalls :smile:

Sound:- The low hum of a Toyota MR2 Rv3 T-Bar Turbo, twin Viper Back box :biggrin:

Smell:- Petrol, Always in the morning.

Touch:- A warm bed after a long day

Taste:- Red topped Milk and cookies ^,^


SF Supporter
Sight - Twilight sky

Sound - Handels Sarabande on full blast :)

Smell - My bed

Touch - A hot hot hot bath

Taste - Gumbo that my great aunt makes!


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
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Sound-rave, techno music


Touch-soft cushy pillow

Taste -cold bottle of bulmers cider:tongue:
Sight - The sun shining onto a beach

Sound - A child laughing

Smell - Coconut

Touch - My hair after it's been straightened

Taste - An ice cold drink on a warm day


Banned Member
There are far more senses than just five... I'm not talking about paranormal senses, either, even though I believe in those, as well.

Out of all the senses, sight is the best, since feel cannot be chosen due to sex (although, of course, sex would be worth nothing without sight). However, I choose sight because of the beauty of sexually related situations, so that may not be a valid reason, either...


Well-Known Member
Sight - My guinea pigs. :smile:

Sound - Music.

Smell - Either Coconut and Lime, or Green Apple.

Touch - My pillow when I'm exhausted!

Taste - Salad and bread. Yum.


It'd all concern and revolve around one person and it wouldn't be 'sex' (the word makes me want to vomit at the moment) or anything it'd just be experiencing someone.

Lead Savior

Well-Known Member
Sight - Intense oranges and reds over the snow-capped mountains to the west of me shortly after a sunset

Sound - Pattering of rain on my shoulders or the crunchy guitar and furious drumming of my favorite music

Smell - Wet earth after a downpour

Touch - A soft breeze wisping the hair off of my forehead

Taste - Licorice (the red kind!)


Well-Known Member
Sight - My favourite T-shirt to magically have no burn mark on it

Sound - dripping water on my window sill

Smell - also fresh bed linen

Touch - I'm bored, maybe i could find some silly putty to play with

Taste - horlicks with cocoa on top, not had that in ages, it tastes like maltesers!


Mama Bear - TLC, Common Sense
SF Supporter

Sight - snow, on trees, mountains, houses...deep snow

Sound - any trumpet solo

Smell - freshly brewed coffee

Touch - "sandpaper kisses" from my cat

Taste - fresh snow (not just a flake, a handful)


(This list is subject to change without prior notice...:tongue: :smile:)
Sight - The sky's blue dissolving into an ominous grey in preparation for a storm
Sound - Laughter of my sister (or any children, for that matter); slow and easy music
Touch - Silk blankets; warm water
Taste - Popsicles in summer; jalapenos
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