the people here in SF

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Member & Antiquities Friend
I hope this is an okay place to post this. I wasn't sure where exactly it "fell under."

I have been a member of this group for a short time but I have never met more caring people. Not to sound cheesy but I can feel the love here.

Depression/suicidal thoughts have been a part of my life for a long time now. But I get through it. Some days are bad but some border on "good".

What I have noticed is I can come here feeling bad and post my thoughts, without fear of being judged. But then in the next minute, I read a post about someone hurting and I try to make them feel better. Even if it's just telling them they are not alone..........that I do care.......even if I don't know them.

We are good people. Even when we are at the end of our rope, when we see someone else "going under", we throw them a life line. That takes a special kind of person.

Give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it.



Well-Known Member
This is why I love SF. People supporting each other. Despite some shortcomings, you can truly bond with some people here!


Well-Known Member
i agree with you connie. the people here are great. i wish they all knew what awesome people they really are, and knew just how much better off this world is with them in it. take care


SF Supporter
I agree with this fully! So many great people here that have helped me and I have been able to help them back. <3 :hug:
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