Today is it

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Active Member
I can no longer function in this word. I have 2 clients I need ro go see and then I'm headed back home to do the deed. I also want the slower pace and the need for redemption. I am very excited 2 pit this chapter behind me. I pronanly shoulf have waited in God but I am just too overwhelmed. I'm sorry Daddy, and tio each one of my friends. Thank you for your support! See you on the other side. I just could not keep living in thid manner,


Well-Known Member

What's up that is making you feel so rotten?

Talk to us, let us know what is going on; there is a lot of support here.
Don't do anything rash, your Dad and friends will miss you terribly.

total eclipse

SF Friend
Staff Alumni
time to call your dad you supports and tell them you need help. Your dad will not survive this you will be taking him with you too. Time to call crisis and get help if you are this far into depression go to hospital and get help for you so you can spend a lot of years with your dad as he would want it.
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