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Well-Known Member
So bad idea. I thought since i was ok n my meds my anxiety and anger would be controllable. Nope. Talked to my mum earlier today and she mentioned how my dad got "huffy" over her asking about his blood sugar, as he is a diabetic. Well apparently huffy means throwing bowls of food at her. Im practically shaking with anger. My mind is racing and i start my double shift at a mental health hospital in like 5 minutes. I cant possible describe how much adrenaline is coursing through my veins right now and how anxious i am.


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
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Hi normal joe,

Is it the fact he threw things at her that is making you mad? (i think im reading that right?) What kind of work will you be doing at the mental health facility? Do you think you will be able for it? Keep talking to us here,it might help.


Well-Known Member
Memory trigger, abusive father, continued abuse, still feel helpless as i am across the country and i feel completely guilty amd infuriated that even as he faces certain death from kidney failure and heart issues he can be this much of a £#ckin pr!€k. i dont think he understands that he is going to die alone.


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
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:hug: Sorry to hear you have an abusive father, one of my best friends had an extremely abusive father he has passed away now and you're right he was alone. I just hope things get a little easier for you. :hug:


Back into the wild where I belong. Out of your way
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If he was diabetic and threw food at her his sugar might be off. Has he had diabetes when you were growing up? Reason I'm saying it as some people are aggressive when their sugar is off it makes them cranky and irrate.

I've had a lady client Severe diabetes be cranky then soon eats for her sugar to go back up she fine sweet as can be. She has hit me before over food.

Not justifying his horrible behavior as some people are just plain mean. No reason.
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