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Am wired, upset, stomach in knots, shaky, teary and whatever else.

When we can't identify what our triggers are, what do we do? Nothing happened today that I'm aware of that would cause me to feel this way.

As immature as it sounds, I'm just a bit over "me" at this point. I need to be able to identify what causes these feelings.
I wake up that way sometimes, nothing will have happened but I just wake up empty, feeling like crap physically and emotionally.
A friend of mine suggested it may be from having bad dreams and even though I don't remember the actual dream, the feelings it gives me hang around.


Mama Bear - TLC, Common Sense
SF Supporter
Sometimes my senses take in more than I consciously realize...and things can kind of add up and frazzle me, making me more teary, sensitive, jumpy. It might not be anything specific, just information overload and too much "stimulation."

Perhaps that's all this it is for you. I hope you feel better soon. :hug:


Staff Alumni
Hi Mo,

I find for myself that there is always like an almost subconscious tape recorder playing in my head the same thoughts over and over. After a while, its like you dont really need and external event to start that internal dialog. Cognitive therapy exercises helped me a lot to see through this. If I feel truly crappy without no obvious reason, I just take a pen and a piece of paper, record my feelings and the thoughts which seems associated to them. They become easier to identify and challenge after a while.
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