Truth or Dare

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Gonna be 18 till I die

I dreamed of the end of this reality and my journey to it. I was taken on a long journey through horrors and obstacles, then near the end of the dream there was an open circus landcape, and soldiers were going to take me away forever like in Goethe's Faust (or Marlowe's twisted version), and suddenly everything changed, and there were dancing elephants on their back leg(s) only, and silver spinning fireworks, and I was told 'Happy 16th birthday' and saw it in lights, it was a celebration, not torment anymore. It was the most vivid dream I ever had, and I still see the 16 as clear as day, which is strange as 16 has a prefix of sweet i.e. sweet 16. So I'm hoping something nice is going to happen on the coming 16th, as it will be a month before I turn 30, and I want to be 29 forever. Is that tongue-in-cheek? You decide ;)

Bryan Adams - 18 till I die
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