What a mess, so confused and suicidal and crying and depressed please help.

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Fleury Dragon

Rawr 🐲
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SF Supporter
Well I've had one of those months. But today was a dark place. Been suicidal most of the day. Ended up ringing to crisis team and they wouldn't come and see me. So much going on in my life as usually. Money is such a big problem, run out of food on Tuesday night and still haven't done groceries, so only got a few things from the dairy. Kittens need there vaccinations and to be spayed and neutered and I have to find money in budget for that. what a stuff up I am getting them with lack of money. Health issues getting worse and can't get much sleep. In pain a lot but have cut down on pain meds because I can't afford to go see the doctor for about another 3 weeks. Husband is so sore and sick all the time and can't sleep because of his prostate problem. and he still hasn't got a referral to the hospital. I have an assignment due in on Monday and I can't think to do it. Every time I sit and open the page my brain won't work.
So might have to give the kittens away. Don't know how to fix any of this. My kittens are the enjoyment I have in life right now and without them there will be nothing.
So much pain and emotional torment
Life doesn't make sense.
And then you try and get help and can't even do that right.
Not sure what to do next
please offer advice or suggestions

total eclipse

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Staff Alumni
Phone the crisis team again hun and tell them you need their help They are to be there for people i am sorry they are not hearing your distress. Phone them back hun and make them hear you You have to come first hun hugs


Owner Emeritus
Try telling them of the issues and and saying you can not come up with a plan to deal with these issues- if they could help you sit down and work on goals budget to get them manageable even so you could see other options. I am unsure of there but in many places asking for an action plan is very good cause for crisis visit as opposed to simply saying "I do not know what to do" - it gives the idea that it will be worth their time as a visit has potential to actually help fix the problem as opposed to sidestep it for a day.

Take Care and Be Safe


Fleury Dragon

Rawr 🐲
Chat Pro
SF Supporter
Wow thanks good idea, scared they might tell me to wait until Monday when my Psychologist gets back from holidays but I know I won't be able to see him for a while, so that won't help. Scared there is nothing that will help and they will tell me that and then I'll won't even be able to see any light anywhere. It is only a small pinprick of hope that is there at the moment, and even that began to fade today, not sure that makes much sense sorry.


Owner Emeritus
It makes perfectly good sense :hug:

If that does not work there are a couple thousand people around here to help find a new avenue of hope....

Fleury Dragon

Rawr 🐲
Chat Pro
SF Supporter
I'm hoping so, things look pretty bleak right now, and even the wait until morning seems hard. Waiting until February apt is going to be even harder.
Hey.... Sorry to hear the rough patch you are going through :( Nobody deserves any kind of bad treatment or suffering in life.... I don't really have a bit of advice... But know that I'm here if you ever need to talk :) Just... Shoot me a message. Hope all is well *hug
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