What time is it and what are you doing?

08:53 didn't get to sleep till 3am but still woke up somewhere between then and now and struggled to get back off again. I do hope that's not gonna rear it's ugly head again coz sleep is my only salvation from this bloody life :-(


Well-Known Member
13:24. Snuggled in bed because it's cold! My psychiatrist prescribed me some sleeping pills since I haven't been able to sleep at all recently, so I think I'll go get those from the pharmacy in a minute. Only got 12 quid left though... Hope that's enough!
13:24. Snuggled in bed because it's cold! My psychiatrist prescribed me some sleeping pills since I haven't been able to sleep at all recently, so I think I'll go get those from the pharmacy in a minute. Only got 12 quid left though... Hope that's enough!
Should be more than enough,prescriptions were about seven quid when I last got one a year ago


Well-Known Member
Should be more than enough,prescriptions were about seven quid when I last got one a year ago
Yeah, I think it's like 7.50 or something, but I have a prescription for antidepressants too so I don't quite have enough for both. I guess I'll just get the sleeping pills for now and the rest when I get my moniesss. :3c


Well-Known Member
Well, I have a personal rule of no internet during hours when I would otherwise be sleeping (that is, if I ever slept), so I'll post what finally drove me out of bed at 1 am last night:

For the second night in a row, startled by a desperate yelp from my oldest mutt-child (Butch Aroo, age 15) signaling that he'd lost his bowels, and was unable to get up and out of his mess. :( Butchie has degenerative myelopathy which is slowly paralyzing his hindquarters. After getting him up and reassuring him that he wasn't in trouble (poor guy... so humiliating), his little brother (Jack Bean, age 14) proceeded to puke 3 times in quick succession, an all-too-common stress reaction. Then, once they were settled, I spent the next hour cleaning up poop and puke.

Heartbroken that we will soon have to make that difficult decision for Butchie. :no: As it stands, he still has his appetite and seems fairly happy to be alive, so we're just trying to spoil him even more and make his remaining time as sweet as possible. So, so hard.
For the second night in a row, startled by a desperate yelp from my oldest mutt-child (Butch Aroo, age 15) signaling that he'd lost his bowels, and was unable to get up and out of his mess. :( Butchie has degenerative myelopathy which is slowly paralyzing his hindquarters. After getting him up and reassuring him that he wasn't in trouble (poor guy... so humiliating), his little brother (Jack Bean, age 14) proceeded to puke 3 times in quick succession, an all-too-common stress reaction.
Heartbroken that we will soon have to make that difficult decision for Butchie. :no: As it stands, he still has his appetite and seems fairly happy to be alive, so we're just trying to spoil him even more and make his remaining time as sweet as possible. So, so hard.
awww it's so sad when a beloved dog or cat get old and sick :-( dogs are my thing especially,they say they are a mans best friend and I agree. They don't ask for much but give you so much in entertainment and love. I really feel for you with that tough decision coming up,just be strong and make the right decision for your dog when you see he has no quality of life.

Mr Stewart

Well-Known Member

drinking tea. sitting here at my desk. Preparing for a day of limited sleep tomorrow as work needs me in by 7:30 in the ante meridiem. Limited sleep as well the following day as I am scheduled to have blood work done on Thursday before 10am as per doctor's orders. Friday will be major catch up sleep morning.

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