What's wrong with me?

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Last night I posted I was ending my life today. Obviously I changed my mind. Why am I so indecisive about this? I'm still very depressed, and do wish harm to myself, so why don't I have the balls to do anything? Not that I don't have plans, cause I do. I just don't understand how I could think like this and not actually DO anything about it. Any advice is greatly needed! Please help.

total eclipse

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Staff Alumni
Because you want to LIVE you want sadness the pain to stop You dod not know what the future will bring you no one does so get some help to get out of that sadness ok


Well-Known Member
I tend to think of it that, while I[/] might seek death, my body still retains the nature desire to live. It means I'm basically imprisoned within it until I can find a way to escape. It's hard to get past the survival instinct. Harder than most people realise. Does that make sense?
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