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Usually, there is a way to make life better so that you feel glad to be alive.

Do you want to say if you have tried any treatment methods?

Do you understand why you feel suicidal in the first place?
Welcome. I hope you find it helpful here.

Why should you? (Assuming you mean give up) You shouldn't. We are pro-life, so that's my/our final answer. :)

Why shouldn't you? Because tomorrow can be much much better than however you are feeling now or whatever you may be going through. Tomorrow could literally be the next 24 hours or it could be a few months from now. Your life two years from now even could be completely different for the better.

Is something specific bothering you to make you even be pondering these questions?
I understand more than I should yet not enough.
^this though matters not^

I understand why i'm where I am in my head yes an leaving an staying is the crossroad i'm at, ive cut off course so many times
wondering aimlessly through the forest of life, everytime though, i'm left alone. This is 1. of many reasons. why (I) am where I am.
"Not all who wander are lost." Sometimes there is a fair bit of wandering involved along our individual journeys.

Is there a goal you desire? What do you consider being "on course"?
I have 0 course i've honestly lost all ambition, I have no desire for a continuation, I wake up everyday to exist, where is the point in this?
Some people wander waiting to be found, ive been found before I don't want to be "found" again.

or what if I have everything I desire?
or what if what I desire is too much?
I want a home, and a family, and someone to call my 1.
this is the only momentary happiness I can think of, even though they all leave in the end.
Medication and therapy are the conventional treatment methods. There's more info about treatment methods in my signature links.

Sometimes you can feel so depressed that you don't even want to get better. If that's the case for you, I suppose the best thing that you can do is just wait and hope the storm will pass, and eventually, you will want to try some form of treatment
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