Work ethic


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I don't like to give myself too much credit,but at work, I try to perform to the best of my ability and more if possible. But I often see others who don't really seem to. My job has a somewhat high turnover rate which means new people are brought in on a regular basis. I don't expect a new person to know how to do everything perfectly,but it is so frustrating when some are not trying at all. Really some are just lazy and are comfortable with making mistakes that end up making a mess later for someone else.

But it made me think of my first day at one of my previous jobs and how the line leader was really difficult towards me. I mean,I was learning where certain things went and how to do certain tasks and she pointing and laughing and talking about me to someone. At one point she says to me how I needed with this shit eating grin on her face how I needed to be faster if I wanted to be in her "crew". This all happened in a span of less than one hour mind you. Thankfully, I wasn't in "her crew" as I worked first shift and only worked a couple hours over into the second shift.

But it really bothered me how I couldn't even make a slight mistake without someone writing me off like that. And others have treated me that way in work and social settings. I don't know...maybe I'm jealous of people who get away with having a bare minimum type of work ethic,but at the same time it just infuriates me because I try to be patient and understanding. But why? People like that dumbass girl on my first day weren't with me in the slightest. Anyway, sorry for this long rant.


meandering home
SF Supporter
No sorry necessary. There’s a lot of simply foul and ignorant behavior that has become tolerated in society somehow. I’m having a hard time finding respect for people who walk in the world with no respect for others.

Sad Elf

Well-Known Member
Total agree with you. I try so hard to do my best at work, putting in extra hours, training others etc, but don't seem to get thought an more of than the people who swan in and do a few hours, mess things up or generally dont contribute.

I try to tell myself someone notices and I feel good that I always try and befriend new starters but honestly life would be a lot easier if I just didn't give a shut like some of my co workers.
Personally I think it's important to strike a balance. Slacking off is obviously not okay but getting in and working your tail off and working extra hours for no pay is not good either - it just ends up being expected of you and half the time you don't get any appreciation and others resent you for making them look bad and frankly they have a point because why should they have to work unpaid overtime? I've known guys who work in the computer industry and work insane hours for the priviledge of having a hammock and a candy machine in their cubicle and free pizza for lunch - like they are children. My niece just left the film industry because the demands they make on production assistant's (16 -18 hour days with no breaks) have resulted in several deaths of PAs driving home and crashing because they fell asleep at the wheel. I really don't understand how any employer gets away with that shit in the developed world but people are willing to do just about anything to work in certain industries.

Balance in everything is good.

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