Worthless Male Loser

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I'm completely worthless. No matter what i do or where i look, I'm unable to find a single girl who'd even give me the time of day without looking down on me. I can't stand being alone, all i want is someone to love who'd love me back. But i know it'll never happen, I'm not attractive or rich or tall enough to be worthy in anyone's eyes.
And no-one will ever care. In today's world, I'm considered nothing more than an expendable pawn fit only to be exploited and cast aside when i have nothing left to offer.
And yet if i ever dare to complain, I'm branded as a monster and people will hate me even more than they already do. All because i was born male and unattractive.
There's no hope for me in this life. Why can't i have the mercy of a painless peaceful death?


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Naaawww man your not a loser and looks are not everything. Man and being tall isn't all that's cracked up to be , after you hit ur head on stuff a bunch of times it gets old. I went thru the I'm ugly not attractive phase but somehow I still got a girl , married , kids . So it can happen just gotta have a little courage , take care of yourself I the hygiene dept. And your golden ! And forget the haters do what you gotta do. Take care skep


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You're not worthless, no one is. Every person has inherent worth. For example, if you saw a little baby, would you ever call that baby worthless? I very much doubt you would.

I'm sure you have many good traits, even if you can't see them. Speaking as a woman, not all girls care about looks, height, money of a potential partner. Many simply want someone who is kind, honest, makes them laugh, makes them feel good about themselves. Looks are often secondary to personality in this respect. What do you personally look for in a potential girlfriend yourself?

Besides, having or not having a partner does not quantify someone's worth as a person. I would never look at someone long-term single and think they are worthless because of this. (I am long-term single myself btw).


Well-Known Member
Lies. Looks and height and status are all that matters for men. No-one cares about our personality or interests, they only want the most attractive men. If we're born short and ugly, we were doomed from the start. Nothing can bring us up to the level of attractive men, and if we try, society will mock us for "compensating for something". We're assumed to be worse people just because we're not the cream of the crop, and nothing can change how hypocritical and shallow society is.

There is no hope.


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Lies. Looks and height and status are all that matters for men. No-one cares about our personality or interests, they only want the most attractive men. If we're born short and ugly, we were doomed from the start. Nothing can bring us up to the level of attractive men, and if we try, society will mock us for "compensating for something". We're assumed to be worse people just because we're not the cream of the crop, and nothing can change how hypocritical and shallow society is.

There is no hope.
You need to look beyond superficial appearances. Mere good looks are not enough to sustain a meaningful loving relationship, and an attractive exterior could well conceal a rotten interior, and often does.

You say you only want to love and be loved in return. Could it be that you are not attracting the kind of people who could give you this because you yourself are judging females primarily by their looks? There are lots of good women out there who might not be considered drop dead gorgeous but who would make great partners!

As a woman with lots of experience, I can certainly say I would take honesty, integrity, kindness, reliability etc over good looks any day, and the same goes for all my women friends. The problem is that your lack of self esteem caused by your preoccupation with your physical appearance is sending out the wrong kind of vibes to potential partners.

If you focus instead on becoming the best kind of person you can be and building self assurance and confidence, that will shine through and attract the right kind of girl.


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Absolutely not. I know better than to solely look for physical beauty, given I've been treated like shit for my lack of it all my life. I'm not a fucking idiot.
Problem is, everyone else I meet IS that superficial and shallow, and will reject me in an instant, no matter how I act, or what I think of myself. I don't make a move expecting to fail, I make moves when I feel confident about it, and happy. And every time, I'm given a bitter reminder that I am beneath everyone else.


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You can't generalize from shallow people you have met to the entire human race! There must be at least one person out there who could love you for yourself, no? If you yourself can see beyond the physical appearance to the person underneath, why don't you assume there are others who do too, rather than assuming the opposite?


Well-Known Member
You can't generalize from shallow people you have met to the entire human race! There must be at least one person out there who could love you for yourself, no? If you yourself can see beyond the physical appearance to the person underneath, why don't you assume there are others who do too, rather than assuming the opposite?
Experience. I've met plenty of people who seemed like they could see past superficial shit and get along with me. But it never goes further. Before long, their true colours shine and they'll find someone more attractive and then they'll drop me like I never existed. And there's nothing I can do. I can't even vent about it without everyone branding me a sexist nazi and putting all the blame on me for everything.

No matter how long and how hard I've searched, it's just not possible. No matter how well I can relate to and get along with people, it's only a matter of time until they find someone more attractive and abandon me.


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Well, that is just awful for you. I find it really hard to believe there's no one out there capable of truly loving you for yourself, but it's terrible you feel that way. You poor thing! Huggs x


Well-Known Member
Absolutely not. I know better than to solely look for physical beauty, given I've been treated like shit for my lack of it all my life. I'm not a fucking idiot.
Problem is, everyone else I meet IS that superficial and shallow, and will reject me in an instant, no matter how I act, or what I think of myself. I don't make a move expecting to fail, I make moves when I feel confident about it, and happy. And every time, I'm given a bitter reminder that I am beneath everyone else.
That's what they all say. Then they continue to treat me like either a pathetic child, or a pest.
I completely agree with you.


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Well, I felt stung because I actually felt sorry for you and was only trying to be kind. Is there any point in trying to be kind to people who don't even acknowledge it, and sometimes respond with insults?


Well-Known Member
Well, I feltstung because I actually felt sorry for you and was only trying to be kind. Is there any point in trying to be kind to people who don't even acknowledge it?
Of course there is. But not when it's sarcastic and riddled with blame.


Well-Known Member
You made a wrong assumption about my post, there was absolutely no sarcasm or blame.
Except there was. You immediately put all the blame on me for being unable to attract people, accusing me of being as shallow as the people who've stomped all over me. Then you gave me a sarcastic "aww poor baby" response like im a little kid. Just more proof that normal people dont give a fuck about people like me.
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