Nothing makes sense.

I just need to talk to someone about what's happened to me. Nothing makes sense. It's all so many memories. I don't think I can get better. I want to scream. I just want to do anything to make the pain go away.
Sounds like you're having a pretty rough run of it @Boogaloo e , so it's great that you've found these forums as this isn't something you need to deal with alone. I've found nothing but caring, supportive people on here who are always willing to listen, and if they've experienced something similar, will only be too willing to let you know what's worked for them.

Have you sought any professional help for the way you're feeling? As I said, you'll get nothing but support here, but the help of a professional can be invaluable when you're feeling the way you are.

Some very talented people here have put together a video which is really worth a watch, it gives some context to why you are currently feeling the way you do, and why you don't have yourself to blame for it. You can find it at

Take care and try not to be too hard on yourself, you do deserve to have a life that you can enjoy, and hopefully with some help you can get there in the not too distant future.


Well-Known Member
I just need to talk to someone about what's happened to me. Nothing makes sense. It's all so many memories. I don't think I can get better. I want to scream. I just want to do anything to make the pain go away.
Talk to a friend.. or family.. let it out.. as long as its not about killing someone, im sure they will listen
Talk to a friend.. or family.. let it out.. as long as its not about killing someone, im sure they will listen
There's alot to sift through. And I've found that when I talk to a family member, I never get out all that I need to. And then said family member uses that information against me when it is convenient for them. So, not only have I not gotten out all of the crap in my head, I have given ammunition to someone who I thought I trusted.


To Wish Impossible Things
SF Supporter
I was molested a lot when I was younger by people who were close to me.
That's horrible, I'm so sorry you went through that. The people close to us are supposed to protect us. Have you spoken to a professional about this? It might really help.
So, not only have I not gotten out all of the crap in my head,
Hey, you've got us now. We're here to listen if you want to get stuff out..
Would you like to talk about it more?
That's horrible, I'm so sorry you went through that. The people close to us are supposed to protect us. Have you spoken to a professional about this? It might really help.

Hey, you've got us now. We're here to listen if you want to get stuff out..
Would you like to talk about it more?
Yes, I've talked to a professional, but he wasn't helping. So, I'm in a bit of a horrible transitional period where I have no medication or therapist, and I'm in a constant state of being suicidal. I will talk to a new counselor on Wednesday, so I'm trying to make it to then. Also, yes, I would like to talk about it more. Apparently, that helps.


Well-Known Member
Hey Boogaloo, I'm sorry for what happened to you. That was wrong and you did not deserve it. Agreed to stick around for the new counselor and find whoever you can to talk to. If nothing else, we're here if you like.

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