• Xenforo forums over the past few months have been seeing spam posts from existing user accounts. Bots hitting forums using lists of emails/passwords leaked elsewhere. We strongly recommend that all users change their password ASAP.


  1. Bl00dStaindSn0w

    Its Mental Trauma, Not Mental Illness, or Mental Disorder

    This is a shout out to everyone hurting. Medical scientists label us with "Disorders" and "Illnesses". They are wrong. They do this because they cannot understand our pain, unless they have experienced trauma. Any "Disorder" or "Illness" of the mind, is actually TRAUMA. Major Depressive Trauma...
  2. Dyreal95

    Spiritual Awakening? Is it real?

    Hello, sorry for my bad English. I am a 23 year old boy, who have been depressed and suicidal for some time now (read my other thread). The last couple of months i have started to look for answers and truth about life and the essence of who i am. I sometimes started to get this feeling that we...